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You stopped by the gas station and you got your favorite snacks and you checked your phone one more time to see what Connie wanted.

"A hot pickle, sunflower seeds, jolly ranchers and a cream soda faygo." You whispered to yourself as you read off what he asked for.

'That combo is disgusting.' You cringe as you walked through the store.

Your hands were full once you got to the counter. You were greeted by a pimple faced teenage boy.

"That's $10.45, beautiful." The boy smiled.

You gave him a fake smile then swiped your card. He handed you your bag with your receipt and you left.

'That ugly ass lil kid.'

It's been about 10 minutes since you spoke with Connie and he was blowing up your phone. Once you got back in your car you decided to call him.

"Boy what the fuck do you want?" You rolled your eyes like he could see it.

"Did you get lost or something shawty?"

"Nigga I'm at the gas station! Leave me alone."

"My fault! Hurry up though." He giggled.

"Okay okay." You hung up the phone.

On the way to his house which was literally 5 minutes from the gas station you thought about what y'all were going to do. You knew you had to fuck him at least once while you were there but you didn't know what else.

You pulled up in front of a modern looking house. Before walking up to the door you looked at yourself in your phone camera to make sure you were presentable enough. You put on some lip gloss then grabbed the bag from the gas station.

You walked up to the door and rung the bell.

"Hey ma." Connie opened the door.

He had no shirt on with a gold cross necklace on and some grey Nike shorts. You bit your lip at the sight of him.

[a/n: I'm Imagining him rn and lawd 😩😮‍💨]

"Earth to y/n?" Connie snapped his fingers.

"Oh hey." You walked inside his house.

It was extremely clean and it smelled like lemons. You looked around his house and the color scheme was nice and it fit the modern look of the house.

"I see you like my house huh?" He laughed and grabbed the bag from you.

"Yeah,You live here alone?"

"Nah, my room mates aren't here though."

You nod your head as you continue looking around.

"Aright let's go." He grabbed your hand and dragged you up the stairs.

He walked you to the farthest room in the hallway. He opened the door and to reveal his room. It had posters all over the walls and an LED strip the went across the whole room.

The lights were purple and you noticed those star looking things on the ceiling above his computer.

'Damn this nigga got money!' You looked at his expensive looking set up.

"So what you trynna do ma?" He sat on his chair near his computer.

"I don't know, you were the one who invited me." You said while sitting on his bed.

"That's true. We could Netflix and chill if that's what you want." He smiled brightly revealing his perfect white teeth.

"Really?" You squint your eyes and tilt your head.

"I'm joking! I have something we could do only if you're down."

"Okay? What is it?"

"You wanna do a stream with me?"

"Stream? Like live stream?"

"Duh! I got fans to please and having a girl on will definitely bring my views up."

"Boy you probably have 60 followers."

"Try 600,000."

"You're lying."

"I'm not." He turned the chair around and started clicking on his keyboard.

After about 30 seconds he pulled up a twitch page that said he did in fact have 600,000 followers.

"Damn." You whispered while you looked over his shoulders at the screen.

"Mhm and I average about 15,000 per stream but if you join I'll probably get about 25,000."

"So you're gonna use me for views?"

"No! I just think it would be fun. Trust me it's cool seeing all these people interact with you."

"Fine but I'm not wearing this." You point to your outfit.

"That's fine! I could get you some of Sasha's clothes."

"Uh ion think we the same size. Just give me one of your shirts and a comb."

"Bet." He got up and started looking through his dresser.

You sat back down on his bed and started scrolling through tiktok. A couple minutes later he gave you a comb and an oversized black nirvana shirt.

You changed your top while he was doing whatever on his computer. You saw a body mirror on the other side of his room so you walked up to it and started combing your hair.

You finished combing your hair down so you walked back over to Connie. He got another gaming chair that looked like his but pink and it was next to him.

"Sit, I'm gonna start soon."

You sat in the chair and you could feel the AC start to kick in. He was adjusting the camera and you could see yourself on one of his monitors.

"Okay so I'm gonna start with the camera off then once I introduce you I'll turn in on."


He clicked the live button and instantly a flood of people started spamming in the chat. He handed you some headphones and you put them on. He started playing music for the stream and he greeted his viewers.

You watched the chat spam all types of emotes and greetings.

"Alright guys as you guys can see by the title, I have a special guest- No it's not my mom! Y'all know she's dead!"

'What the fuck?'

Connie clicked the button and the camera turned on.

"This is y/n! Y'all better not say anything too wild."

"Hey." You smiled and waved to the camera.

The donation alert went off.

Connie you better be hitting that!

The bot voice read out the donation loud and clear.

"Uh thank you conniesnutrag for the 5 dollars, you already know I'm in that."

"What the fuck!" You hit his arm.

"What? Ion lie to ma boys!" You started laughing.

Connie is she your girlfriend? Cuz if not I'm trynna slide.

The bot read the donation again.

"No I'm not his girlfriend so you can slide if you want." You winked.

"Oh so this is what we're doing? Bet. Devon thanks for the 10 dollars." Connie rolled his eyes.

You watched the screen with the chat on it and all they did was thirst over you.

"We should do a Q&A where the chat could ask us anything and we have to answer truthfully."

"Sure why not."

Authors note:
This randomly popped into my head but I think it would be fun😄

Ps: vote and comment :)

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