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"Dad? What are you doing here?" Connie stood in the door way.

"Constance your old man can't get a hi?"

"Y/n why is he here?" He turned to you, he was clearly heated.

"I called him."

"You did what!" Connie yelled.

"Don't yell, you'll make her cry." you tried to calm him.

"Serge get away from Conarie and Y/n." Connie stepped to his dad.

Connie was clearly weaker and shorter than his dad. Serge is about 6'6 it was intense watching them two stare each other down.

"Constance sit yo ass down and stop yelling." Serge's voice was stern and you could hear his islander accent.

Connie huffed and sat down at the second chair near your bed. Serge faced Conarie.

Connie was clearly upset by the presence of his dad.

"What happened? Like between you two." You broke the silence.

"He left me when I needed him most! My mom and siblings died and I had nobody but him, and where did he go? I don't fucking know! He abandoned me!"

"Connie lower your fucking voice, you wouldn't want to make your beautiful baby cry." Serge said with a smile.

"Shut up and get out."

"No, Connie I want him to stay."

"Why? To see Arie? He saw her now he can leave and never come back!"

"Connie stop."

"No it's okay. I get it, he doesn't want to see me. It was nice meeting you Y/n and you two little Conarie."

"Im sorry." You apologized for Connie's actions.

"It's alright, all I ask for is a picture of her from time to time."

"You can come visit her anytime!"

"Not with him acting like that. Bye Y/n." Serge left the room.

You felt bad for calling Serge but at the same time you didn't. You wanted Connies dad to see Arie at least one time with or without Connie's approval.

"Did you feed her?" Connie asked.

"Of course I did."

"Lemme hold her."

"No, go cool off."

"I'm calm, give her to me."


"Whatever." Connie got up and stormed out the room.

"Hey look who finally decided to call." You picked up the phone.

"I'm sorry I was really sleepy, he doesn't want to come out." Luna whined.

"Aww I feel bad."

"It's going on damn near 20 hours, please just get him out of me!"

"Be patient."

"Where's little Arie?"

"She's in that little crib thing. She's awake but I don't feel like holding her."

"Can I see her?"

"Yeah look." You hovered the phone above Arie.

"What's up with her eyes?" Luna asked.

"What do you mean?"

"It might just be your phone but have you seen her eyes, like with the lights on."

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