Bonus: wedding

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"Mom let go of me! I can't fit it!" You yelled at her.

"Maybe if you would've lost the baby weight we wouldn't be in this situation." She let go of your waist.

You two were dress shopping and this was your third dress you couldn't fit. According to Connie he loved the extra meat on you. Staying home with Conarie everyday didn't give you time to lose the weight.

Your mom wanted you to be fit and pretty for the wedding and this extra weight made her angry.

"Try this one." She said bringing another dress over to you.

"Mom I think that's enough for today."

"No! We need to find a dress now! Your wedding is in a month!"

"I know damn!"

"Y/n L/n stop yelling at me and put this damn dress on!"


"I'm paying for this shit so come on."

You rolled your eyes and grabbed the dress out of her hand.

Earlier this year when Luna had her wedding you had the same problem with bridesmaid dresses. It made you so angry that you had all this pressure to look a certain way on your big day. Connie made sure to tell you he'd love you no matter what you looked like but that was starting to not be enough.

Getting back into the dressing room you sat on the bench area and started to cry. You just wanted this to be perfect. Every decision went through your parents because they were the ones paying for it. It seemed more like their day than yours.

You quickly wiped your tears and started to put on the dress. To your surprise this one fit. It was absolutely stunning the way it perfectly fit your body. You walked out and your mom was sitting there and her face lit up.

"This is the one!" She got up and started circling around you.

You wish Luna or Mari was here to hype you up but the approval from your mom was fine.

"It looks good right?" You looked into the large mirror.

"Just try not to gain anything before your big day."

She knew exactly how to kill the mood. You stared at your dress a little more before going back into the dressing room to take it off.

You already bought your second dress for the reception, so buying the main dress was the last thing you had to do for the wedding. Connie quickly found his tux and the things for his groomsmen. His side of the wedding was easy.

One thing Connie hated was your dad. He was on Connie for every little thing but soon they got over their issues because of Jay. Connie had a hard time choosing a best man but ultimately he chose Jay. You chose Luna to be your maid of honor, it was a no-brainer. Mari was upset that she wasn't really apart of each of y'all's weddings but at least she was a bridesmaid right?

The night before your wedding you didn't want to have a bachelorette party. Instead you chose to have a sleep over with your best friends and the babies. Y'all ate snacks and talked about the great day y'all were about to have.

"Are you nervous?" Luna asked.

"Yes! I'm marrying the love of my life."

"Aww!" Mari wiped a fake tear from her eyes.

"You remember when it was my day? I couldn't stop crying."

"Yeah your face was all puffy which made you cry more but ultimately your day was perfect." You laughed.

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