Ready for the party

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Once you got to your house you went straight to your room. You looked through your closet and found 3 outfits.

[Choose a fit]

You put the outfit in your bag and started to pack up your makeup too

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You put the outfit in your bag and started to pack up your makeup too. After about 5 minutes you've packed up everything and made your way back to the car.

+ Time skip +

You made it to Luna and Mari's house with your bag and the food in hand.

"Y/n!" Mari answered the door.

"Hey!" She grabbed the food and walked into the kitchen.

"Where's luna?"

"I'm here!"

You turn around to see Luna and her hair was different.

"what the fuck!" You start circling around her.

She bleached her hair on one side creating a split dye.

[like this]

"You like it?" She starts smiling

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"You like it?" She starts smiling.

"Yeah you look hot as fuck!"

"Thank you! I'm so hungry!" She pushed you out the way and went to get the food.


"My fault y/n!" She said with her mouth full.

"I'm so ready for this party!" Mari started dancing.

"How'd y'all even get invited?" You sit next to Mari at the kitchen island.

"Oh you know that guy Armin I've been talking to? He invited me and he said bring friends." Luna started blushing.

"You like him a lot don't you?" You started to smirk.

"We've been talking for 3 weeks and I dropped all my hoes for him! Of course I like him."

"Yikes 3 weeks and he still hasn't asked you to be his girlfriend?" Mari made a worried face.

"Mari why you gotta be so negative!" Luna looked upset.

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