Bros before hoes

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You two ate and talked more about what y'all did without one another.

"Can I get some?" You point to his drink.

"Yours is full just drink yours."

"Ion trust this. Frankie could've did something to it."

"Here." He handed you the drink with an attitude.

"Nigga if you didn't want to share you could've just said that but Imma drink it anyways." You rolled your eyes.

He smacked his lips in response. Connie got Frankie's attention and asked for a refill. You were annoyed because you were done eating and he was doing too much.

"Here's your dri- oh I'm so sorry." Frankie spilled the drink in your lap.

'Don't tell me this bitch just did that.'

You closed your eyes trying to stay calm but that wasn't working. You stood up and pushed Frankie away from the table.

"Bitch what the fuck!" She yelled.

"You did that shit on purpose!" You started squaring up.

"What's going on?" A short boy with curly hair who seemed to be a busboy walked up.

"Y/n let's go." Connie grabbed your hand and started pulling you.

"What time you get off cause Imma be back!" You yelled at Frankie as Connie dragged you out the IHOP.

"You're not coming back and you're not going to fight her!" Connie said once y'all got outside.

"All your ex's need they ass beat!"

"Please calm down. You can't be stressing."

"I'm not stressing I just wanna beat that hoe ass! Look at me! My clothes are wet!"

"I got some basketball shorts in my car you can put those on."

You started walking with Connie back to his car. He handed you the shorts and just stared at you.


"Aren't you gonna change?"

"Nigga not out in the open!"

"Oh yeah."

"Meet me at my house. You said before walking to your car.

You changed your pants in the driver's seat. You looked at yourself in the mirror and frowned. Your cute lil outfit was ruined and your day was too due to one of Connie's ex's.

You drive home kinda pissed off. Once you pulled up you saw that Connie was already there.

'Damn was this nigga speeding or something?'

You got out and walked to the drivers side window and knocked on it. He rolled the window down and the sound of Comethazine came blasting out the car.

"Come on."


"Nigga turn it down!" You yelled over the music.

"My fault." He turned down the music and looked at you.

"You're really getting on my nerves. Let's go."

He rolled up the window and turned off the car. You started walking towards your house.

"Is Jay here?" Connie nervously asked right before you unlocked the door.

"No, why?"

"Just asking."

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