Part 32: Heartbreak

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"So, Ladybug?" Thomas said through his bee phone. "We have a slight problem."

Adrenus was currently running for his life from street to street as Timebreaker AKA Alix Kubdel was chasing him.

"Alix was Akumatized?" Ladybug asked. "That's not good! We need Bunyx to help the plan!"

"I'm working on it!" Adrenus said. "Just please come here, or send either Cat Noir. And please Bee punctual. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep fighting!"

Ladybug groaned at his pun. "I'll send Cat Noir. I need to meet with the others at the Louvre."

"Sounds like a plan. Have an amaz-sting time!"

Ladybug groaned again. "You're as bad as Chat Noir." She then hung up the phone.

"Well, I did learn from the best," Thomas said. He then continued his fight with Timebreaker. Well, Thomas considered it a fight. To anyone watching it mostly just looked like Thomas just trying his best to avoid Timetagger.

"You'll never out-maneuver me, bug!" Timebreaker said. Unfortunately, it seemed she was right. As Thomas kept running from building to street to rooftop, Timetagger only seemed to draw closer.

I need to shake her. Thomas said. She's getting closer and closer. Maybe if I'm careful I could use my power...

Thomas decided to follow through. Eventually, he led her around a corner, where he activated his power. "Venom!" he shouted, as a bee stinger made of energy covered his right hand.

"How's it going bee boy?" a voice suddenly said. Thomas looked behind him to find Cat Noir had snuck up behind him. "Not much Mr. Cat," he said. "The name's Adrenus."

"Well then Adrenus," Chat Noir said. "What's the plan?"

"I just need to lure her into a corner, where then I can catch her from behind with my venom attack. I'll need you to destroy the Akuma."

"Alright then, Let's go!"

"You really are the Bees Knees, Mr. Cat" Adrenus said.

The two then focused on their goal. Cat Noir went to the rooftops and aggravated Timebreaker while Thomas set up behind a corner.

Alright. Thomas thought. Just wait for her to come around the bend, and...

He lunged and sunk his stinger into a target. There was only one problem. Chat Noir was the target. Thomas looked in horror as Chat Noir was suddenly stunned and unable to move. Suddenly Timebreaker came around the corner and Thomas quickly grabbed Cat Noir and jumped up to the rooftops.

"You're such a foolish little hero!" Timebreaker said. "You accidentally used your powers on your friends!" Timebreaker then gave an evil laugh. They were still playing Cat and Mouse, but Cat Noir's weight slowed him down and made it hard to maneuver.

What am I gonna do now?! Thomas thought. I need Cat Noir to help stop this, but he's paralyzed, and the only way to end it would be,

Thomas suddenly had a very bad idea. "Ok Timebreaker!" he said, holding his hands up. "I'll give my Miraculous to Hawk Moth!"

Timebreaker suddenly stopped. "There had better be no tricks!"

"No tricks! Just meet me in the street below."

Thomas jumped down to the street and left Cat Noir in the alleyway to the right.

"Alright! I'm here!"

Timebreaker skated in front of him.

"Give it to me now."

Thomas nodded. "Buzz off." as he said this, his black and yellow costume shrank into the Miraculous, and Pollen reappeared. "Don't do it my King!" the Kwami begged. "Please! You can't give up!"

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