Part 50: Why can't we reunite?

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The siblings exited the sewer to the street level, where the entire city was frozen over.

"Ok," Emilie said, head peeking out of the sewer. "We'll need to be quick and careful." she then slipped on the ice as she tried to make her first step, plummeting on her face.

"Well, you got the quick part done," Thomas said.

Emilie shot him a nasty look as she regained her footing using a nearby trash can. Thomas had trouble as well but was far more graceful than she was. It was slow going, but eventually, they were able to figure out how to move. The key was slowly pushing yourself from one place to another, gliding from object to object at a slow enough speed to maintain their balance.

After a few minutes, the siblings were out of breath, "Ok. I need to take a break." Emilie said, sitting down under a nearby awning. She lamented over her aches and pains from the bruises she'd earned on their journey of falling and bumping into things.

Thomas shivered as he sat down. "Sure would be nice if we had some warm clothes. Or a nice warm fire."

Emilie took off her school blazer and gave it to her brother. "Here. It's not much but it's the best I can do right now."

Thomas was hesitant. "What about you?"
"I spent the winter in London. I'll be fine for a little bit."

Thomas accepted the jacket and the two sat in silence before Thomas finally decided to break the ice.

"This weather reminds me of that time we went to Switzerland. Do you remember? When we took that skiing trip?"

Emilie smiled. "How could I forget? You threw up after coming down off the slopes."

"To this day I can't even look at Hot Chocolate without feeling queasy."

Emilie laughed, "And remember Dad?" Emilie said. "He fell off his skis and slid into that poor girls' snowman."

"He must've tried forever to help her fix it,"

The siblings laughed as they remembered those good times. Thomas smiled as he brought up his next thought.

"It was one of the best times of my life." He said. "I hate when it's super cold and I don't like snow, but being there together like that; with Mom and Dad and Louis and you, I felt warm even in those freezing temperatures." He then turned his head to the streets.

"I only wish we could be like that again, all together, as a family" he looked at his sister. "Why can't we be like that Emilie? Why do you want to leave for Italy? Why can't you stay in Paris and go to school here? We could be together again."

Emilie was hesitant. "Thomas, I don't think you'd understand why."
"Try me," he said

"It's not that simple," she said. "There's just something that I don't feel like I can tell anyone. Even Mom or Dad, or anyone. Because if I do they'll never look at me the same way. They'll treat me different and I don't want that."

"Emilie," he said. "Mom and Dad love you. And so do I. I'm sure that no matter what it is they'll understand."

Emilie was about to respond when something caught her eye. A flicker of movement behind Thomas, just out of sight. She quickly told Thomas to be quiet and gestured for them to move inside the building. They quickly did and hid under what would've been a reception desk. They heard footsteps move in through the door.

"You sure you saw someone come this way?" a voice said. "Maybe you've lost your step grandpa."

"I'm sure of it, I'm sure of it!" a second voice said. "Ice swear I heard something this way!"

One of the voices stepped inside. He was a man with a suit that appeared to be made out of a disco ball with matching glasses. His pink hair was put in an absurd afro that complimented his mustache, completing his look of 70's disco style.

"I don't see nothing," Partycrasher said. "Maybe your brain's been disco-nnected."

The second man entered the lobby. He wore a dark blue skater's suit decorated with white snowflakes. His face looked like someone had carved a cartoon characters' face out of ice and had done well.

"I know I saw something." Frozer said, "It has to be the people Hawk Moth was talking about."

"And how do you know that it is?" Partycrasher asked

"Simple," Frozer replied. "When My ice spread over Paris it should've frozen everyone. Well, everyone not wearing a Miraculous. And we've captured every Miraculous holder. So if there are any people out here, they're the brats we're looking for."

"That's no guarantee, old man," Partycrasher said. "Besides, we have everyone who was wearing a Miraculous, how could they have escaped?"

"I don't know, but either way, we need to keep searching. Hawk Moth needs all of the Miraculous, and the only ones we don't have are Ladybug and Cat Noir's."

Partycrasher nodded and exited the building, Frozer skating past him. Emilie and Thomas quickly came out of their hiding places.

"Ok," Emilie said, "let's check to see if the coast is clear and then we can try to get home."

"All of the Miraculous?" Thomas said. "But why all of them? The last Hawk Moth and Madame Moth only cared about the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous"

"What does that matter?" Emilie asked. "He needs our Miraculous combined to create a wish. You can't do that with any of the others."

"Exactly," Thomas said. "So why all of the other ones? To become powerful enough to steal them? But if that was the case then why are we not seeing Miraculous villains right now?"

"Thomas, a little less hypothesizing, a little more moving towards home," Emilie said. "We can figure out his plan later when we get back. Right now, we need to focus on moving towards our house. Once the Miraculous are safe, we'll find a way out of the city."

"Oh sure," Thomas said sarcastically. "I'm sure the trains will be running. It's not like they've been frozen in place in their tunnels."

Emilie thought for a moment until it dawned on her. "The United Heroez! Of course! We can call Majestia and the other American heroes to help us using the contact bracelet Mom was given when she left New York!"

"You really think they'll be able to help? They're halfway across the world and might not get here in time."

"I know it's a longshot but we have to try," Emilie said. "Besides, I thought you were a die-hard Eagle fanboy"

Thomas pouted. "You're right," he said relenting

They walked outside to the frozen wasteland where they began to slip and slide once more through the icy streets. They made it a few streets away before Thomas stopped them.

"Do you hear that?" Thomas asked.

Emilie listened in. "Yeah. It almost sounds like..."

The answer hit Thomas like a ton of bricks. "Emilie move!" he cried. She barely had the time to dodge the harp that was aimed at her head. It then boomeranged around back into the hands of its owner, a man with blue hair in a suit decorated with dark scales.

Thomas recognized him right away, even with his new color scheme. "Viperion?" he asked.

"There is no more Viperion." he said. "There is only Black Viper!" 

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