The Woods - Part Three

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Ariana's POV -

It's been days upon days of being stuck in these annoying woods.

Sometimes it feels as if I'll never make it out.

But just thinking about Y/n and how I can make it back to her is enough to allow me to try.

It's taken me too long to realize that these are not just ordinary woods and that my connection to Y/n is not normal.

Each time I find myself remembering her, and memories we share, I find myself connecting to her.

When I do, my eyes glow gold, like the sun. And I know Y/n's do too.

I don't know why this happens and it doesn't really matter why, I just know I need to get back home..

There's just a problem.

A group I was investigating a long time ago, found out that I knew of their secrets. They gathered around me one day and I've never been free of them since.

They say people like Y/n and I shouldn't be allowed the air we breathe, and that we're 'freaks.'

I never thought that there'd be more to this life than being simple ordinary humans, and while knowing I'm different is exciting, I don't know how to get myself out..

And I don't want to risk Y/n's location being known by connecting to her.

Every time I do, I have to wipe my memory..


It's simple..

I have to let go.

I have to allow for another memory of  Y/n to be erased, and forgotten from my mind. It's painful. But I make sure write down the date of every last connection I've ever had.

It's hard to keep track, but I don't think I could ever forget her anyway.

They can try to break us, but I will find a way..


I make my way towards the right, following the directions of a makeshift sign I made by carving a symbol on a tree.

It's a mix of a circle and an arrow going through it which symbolizes a direction. It also has a faint number, symbolizing how many more trees in that direction to pass up on before making it to the next destination.

I made a couple of of them. Just in case I lost my way through the woods.

It's frustrating, cause I always seem to make it farther each time before being caught.

This time.. I'm hoping it'll be different.


A/N : Hey guys! I know I haven't written on here in a while. The last few chapters have also been confusing so I just wanted to ask what you'd like to see more of? And should I continue this story or is it too confusing? Leave some comments below or message me!


Ariana Grande ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now