Mysteries - Part 2

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"Get off of me!" It yelled.

I kicked & hit it until it stopped moving.

Finally, there was silence.

I looked up trying to find the white figure that was nowhere in sight.

Once I looked back for the dark one, it was gone...

I let out a gasp when I felt a hand cover my mouth. And before I knew it, I was being led to an unknown place.

I tried to yell but once again, I couldn't.

"Sshhh." The voice said.

At this, I felt confused. The voice didn't send chills down my spine, it only made me feel safe & reassured.

I turned over & faced the figure. I let out another gasp when I saw who it was.

It was.......


It was a tall brunette. The features of her face were beautiful, & She looked at me with curious eyes.

She stood in front of me, a small smile ghosted her lips.

I smiled back at her & spoke up,
"Soo, who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Hailee." She said.

"I'm Y/n." I introduced myself.

"I know." She laughed.

I was confused at her response but decided not to question it.

"What is this place?" I asked Hailee.

Her body froze at this question & it only made me grow confused.

There was a long period of silence until she spoke up, "I think that maybe you should ask someone else that question." She finally said.

"Like who?" I asked.

"Like her." She pointed to a person that appeared out of nowhere and started walking towards us.

Once the person was in front of me, I could see that it was a girl. She wore a wide smile & her brown eyes sparkled with happiness at seeing us.

"Hey Y/n." Her raspy voice spoke.

I felt happiness at just seeing her & hearing her speak. This only made me even more confused.

"Hey... ?" I trailed off.

"It's Ariana."

"Nice to meet you Ariana." I politely said.

"I think that you already know me." She said.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion,
"What do you mean?"

"Do you seriously not know who I am?" She asked.

"Uh.. No? I mean, I don't know." I nervously laughed.

Ariana Grande ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now