Trouble - Part 9 (Final)

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Previously On "Trouble"...
"Who is it?" I asked.

"I don't know." She said furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"Let me see." I said taking the phone from her hands.

👽: Hey

"Do you know who it is?" Lauren said.

"No." I said trying to think of who this person could possibly be.


New Message:
👽 : New Plan.. We've got another plan. Message me as soon as possible.

Who is this...?

"Ladies, We're here!" The driver announced.

Lauren gave the driver the money and we all started making our way to a nearby hotel.

I carried Ariana's body as she peacefully slept. We entered the hotel & people started giving us weird looks.

Maybe it's because we look like crap.. I thought to myself.

I ignored them and continued to walk. Tori & Lauren went to go and book a hotel room as I waited near them.

I noticed a little girl start to slowly walk up to me with big sad eyes.

"Hey, Are you lost?" I said kneeling down to her level.

"Y-yes. I can't find my mommy."

"Can y-you help me?" She said with tears brimming in her eyes.

My heart broke at the sight in front of me. & I decided that I would go and help her.

"Sure. Why don't you wait here while I go and talk to my friends." I said.


I walked to where Lauren & Tori were and told them what happened.

"So you're just going to help a stranger?" Tori said.

"Tori, it's a little kid. Nothing bad is going to happen."

"Okay. Whatever you say."

"Can you take Ariana? Please take care of her while I go and help the kid." I said.



"So do you remember where you last saw your mom?" I asked the girl in front of me.

"N- Not really.." She said looking down.

"Well can you try and take me where you think she might be?"


We started walking to this weird part of the hotel. It looked almost abandoned.

Now I started thinking about what Tori said. What if this is a set up and she's secretly plotting to kill me? I thought.

"Hey, Are you sure this is where your mother i-" My sentence was cut shortly when I felt someone pull me inside this weird room, out of nowhere.

"What the-?"

"Shut it, Y/l/n." I heard a familiar voice say.

My eyes widened at the voice and I started to freak out.


"P-Please don't hurt me.." I begged with silent tears.

"Y/n, I would never."

"Wh-what? B-but you-"

"I know what I did. It was a set up.." She said sighing.


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