10 - Urgent questions

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"Yo dude, c'mon just wake her up & ask her. It's simple." My friend Jake
(From state farm 👀) said.

"What if she says No?.."

"You'll never know until you ask. Now go, don't be a chicken." He teased.

"I don't wannnaaaa." I groaned.

"Just do it!" Shia Labeouf exclaimed out of nowhere waking up Ariana from her slumber.

"What?.." Ariana's tired voice asked.

"Oh jee, never mind dude, you're on your own!"

And with that.. Shia was out of sight.


"I have something very important to ask you.." I continued.

"What is it?"

"Can you make me a sandwich?"





A/N : I really don't know how I come up with these lol. Buut, I hope y'all enjoyed. Thank you for reading!

Have a great day & be nice to your beautiful selves 💗

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