18 - Disaster

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Y/n's POV
I was currently on a date with Ariana. It happened to be our first one in a while.

We were planning on staying home and watching a movie but Ariana insisted on taking me out instead.

We were currently waiting for someone to come assist us, which took a while.

Luckily, a few minutes later of waiting, someone soon came over.

"Hello my name is Andrea, & I'll be your waitress this afternoon. What would you like to order?" A girl with striking hazel eyes spoke as she flashed a smile.

"I'd like to order....This." Ariana spoke as she pointed to something on the menu.

"Uhh... You want that?.." The waitress spoke unsurely.

"Yeah.. Is there something wrong?" Ariana asked as she raised her eyebrow in confusion.

Andrea looked around cautiously & bent down a little as she whispered, "I'm not supposed to tell you this, but.. the 'chicken' in that 'chicken pasta' , isn't chicken.. Nor is that, pasta," She told Ari.

"Then.. What is it?" Ariana asked.

"Well have you ever seen two chickens fucking in a sho-"

"Okay okay, just order something else babe." I interrupted as I turned to Ari.

Ariana sent me a 'what the fuck is happening' face as she ordered something else.

"So is that all?" Andrea asked once we finished ordering.

"Yeah, that's all." Ariana & I responded.

"Alright. The food will be ready in a few." Andrea said as she left.


Surely, the food was ready in a few minutes.

"Here you go." Andrea said as she placed the plates of food in front of us, "Enjoy."

I flashed her a kind smile & then turned to Ariana who had a blank expression as she stared off into the distance.

"Ari?" I said.

"Ariana." I spoke again.

"Hu-wha-did you say something?" She said.

"Yeah.. Are you okay?" I asked concerned.

"Pfttt- yeah- I- im fine." She stumbled over her words.


Deciding not to question anything, I went in to get a chicken strip when I suddenly felt a hard metal-like object press against my hand.

"Wha- Oh my god! What the-" I struggled to speak as I looked down at my hand.

"What?" Ariana questioned.


"Oh shit, what the h-" Ariana panicked as she realized what she did.

"J-just don't panic, otherwise people will freak out." I said.

"How can I not panic when I nearly cut your hand off?!" She said as she looked down at the knife that still peeled through my skin.

"Let me just call someone for help." I sighed.

"Like who?!" She asked.

"Someone who I know can take this off. Now, please cover my hand with something." I said as Ariana soon placed a few napkins on top of my hand.

I quickly got my phone out with my left hand and dialed Dinah's number.

"Who dares interrupt my beauty slee-"

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