Trouble - Part 7

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Ariana's POV
"And As for you three.. Follow me & shut your damn mouths." I heard Jacob coldly say.

Who could've he possibly had now?
I thought to myself.

"Stay Here! And don't even think about escaping," Jacob said while harshly pulling 3 familiar figures my way.

I just sat in silence with a dejected look on my face. Knowing that if I did anything I'd be hit. Or worser put in the "Punishment Room"

One of the figure's black raven hair was pushed out of her face. Revealing her pale white skin. There was something about her that made her familiar.

Her panicking green emerald eyes met mine and my heart stopped.

The girl from the restaurant?

What is she doing here?..

"STOP MOVING." Jacob shouted at her.

"Well Maybe if you weren't assaulting us we would!"

A blonde girl with now messy curly hair bravely spoke up.

"What did you say to me ?!" He angrily shouted.

"Tori.. It's.. Not. worth it.." A tiny weak voice said.

"I don't care who you are Jacob. Just let us go! What did we ever do to you?!" The same blonde shouted back at him.

"That's it! Take her. Take her to the punishment room. NOW." Jacob ordered.

"No! Leave her alone!"

My eyes widened at the voice. And a lump formed in my throat.

It's Y/n.. That's her.

He's got her! Her and her friends.

He's got us..

I fought the temptation of getting up and running over to her. But trying to ignore the feeling felt as if it were impossible.

Shuffling and shoving was heard as Jacob harshly grabbed Tori and lead her to 'The punishment room'

"Stop! No. Leave her.. Please." Y/n said weakly.

"Please? Leave her? Stop? That's not going to happen Y/n." Jacob said laughing bitterly.

He started getting closer to Y/n and I glared at him. One of his stupid minions went over and got a hold on Tori leading her into the punishment room.

After they took Tori, another minion came back and did the same to the green eyed girl.

"Look at you Y/n.. You're so damn worthless now." Jacob Said.
(A/N: This isn't true for y'all reading this. It's just for the sake of the story/imagine. You guys are actually worth more than you guys think(: )

I saw Y/n clench her jaw at him while she stared at him with angry pained eyes.

She hadn't noticed me yet.. Maybe it was because I looked worser than a homeless person.

(A/N: isn't meant to be taken as offense to homeless. & Okay okay. I'll go now..)

"Well if I'm so worthless, why do you even have me here?!" She said angrily.

"Don't talk to me that way!" Jacob said.

"I can talk to you in any way that I want to. You have no right to control me."

"Oh Y/n.. Y/n, y/n, y/n.. You're making a big mistake.." Jacob said Evilly.

"You're the one making a mistake! By keeping us captive like we're some kind..some kind of animals!" Y/n said with her voice cracking a bit at the end while hot tears now fell out of her eyes.

Now.. I would never do anything to trigger Jacob's attention. It'd be the actual opposite really. But the next thing that happened struck me hard and made something in me snap.

Jacob had slapped Y/n..

I quickly bolted up with unknown strength and Adrenaline. But Jacob didn't just stop there. He started attempting to punch Y/n.

That's when I broke off the rope holding my wrists together and jumped on Jacob's back repetitively punching him.

Unfortunately he was stronger than I was and pushed me off. I fell to the floor and dizziness consumed my mind.

I looked up at Y/n with a weak smile and she gasped. She recognized me..

"A-Ari..? Wha-What h-how oh my gosh. You-" Y/n was cut off by two screams and loud sobs.

"Lauren! Tori! No. No. No. Please. Please leave them alone." Y/n said trying to push past Jacob's minions but ended up obviously failing.

One of Jacob's minions angrily grabbed Y/n by the neck and pinned her on the nearest wall.

I tried to stop him from doing anything but I couldn't..

"Take her into the punishment room! And take the other one as well." Jacob said pointing two Y/n and then to me.

"No! No please.." Y/n cried.

"Shouldn't have spoken to me that way Y/n.."

That was all he said before we were shoved into the small room.

Lauren and Tori's bodies now laid weakly against a wall tied up. I saw Y/n coldly look at Jacob's minions and I did the same.

Jacob soon came into the room and tied Y/n & I up.

"Aren't so brave now, aren't ya?.." He said.

Y/n stayed silent and Jacob pulled out a knife.

He made a long cut around her neck and over her body making her cry in pain.

I tried to stop him before he went any further but I was pulled back and had my head start to be hit against the wall multiple times.

The rest was a blur.. And all I could hear was multiple screams of pain, cries, and now weak voices.

My body felt numb. And soon.. I let darkness cloud my mind.

All I can do is hope..

A/N: My lazy ess finally just updated :3 Sorry if  I've killed y'all with these and/ or this sucked. Alsooo I sort of have an idea on how I want 'Trouble' to end. It won't be that great but you guys still somehow want to read It. What's wrong with y'all? 🌚 xD
But Anywaysss,

Have a great day and be nice to your beautiful selves! 💖

Ariana Grande ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now