Trouble- Part 5

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A/N: Yes, I made this edit :3

You can obviously see because of the watermark

But anyways, I hope you guys Enjoy!

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Day 2

Day two.

Today is the second day of pranking.

Unfortunately, I couldn't get quite get Ariana to react the way I wanted her to.

But that's okay.. I'll just keep pranking her!

"So what's our next prank gonna be?" Zendaya spoke up.

"No idea."

"What about you fake an injury or your own death?" Tori suddenly said.

"Tori! That's cruel." Everyone replied in unison.

"It was just a suggestion." She shrugged.

"Actually Tori, your idea is pretty cruel but-"

"Stupid." Zendaya cut me off.

"No wait, you didn't let me finish."

"Well then, say your words of wisdom, Y/n." Zendaya sighed.

"What I was going to say was that Tori's idea is actually pretty good. But of course Miss  'I know what everyone is thinking so I will cut them off' interrupted me." I explained.

"Oh shut it Y/l/n." Zendaya stuck her tongue out at me.

"So.. are we going with my idea??" Tori asked.

"Y/n you're not really considering doing this right?" Ally said, giving me a nervous glance.

"What's wrong with a little bit of messing around? Nothing serious." I shrugged.

"Nothing serious? Y/n, are you kidding me? What if you actually hurt her?"

"Well she'll know not to ever prank me again. She made me think she was cheating on me. So basically she already hurt m-"


I was cut off by a loud thump- like noise.

"What was that?!" I whisper-yelled.

"No idea.. just wait here, I'll go check." Zendaya got up.

I grabbed her wrist, "Are you crazy? What if you get hurt?"

She yanked her arm away from my grip, "I'm a bad bitch. You can't kill me!"

I sighed, rolling my eyes, "Famous last words."

"Oh shut up, I could be saving your ass from a crazy psychopath for all you know. Plus you're a pussy. So if anything I'm doing you a favor."

"Fine then.. I'll go with you" I sighed.

"Y/n, don't be stupid!" Tori gives me a stern look.

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