12 - Alpaca?

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Ariana's POV
Nathan & I laid on the grass. Gazing up at the cold night sky filled with bright vibrant stars.

"They're beautiful." I said with a smile.

"Yeah, they are." Nathan agreed.

"You wanna know who else is beautiful?" I stated turning my gaze from the stars to Nathan's direction.

"Who?" He asked with a cheeky smile and a small blush on his cheeks as he waited for an obvious answer.






Suddenly, Y/n burst through the bushes on the back of an alpaca. She pulled Ariana onto the horse and the alpaca levitated off the ground, flying into the sky & into the moon.

Where did they go?

The world may never know...


A/N : Double updateeee :3 Again, this was really random 😂 & I hope you guys laughed or smiled at some point bc that's normally my mission haha (:

Thank you for reading & have an amazing Dayyy! 💗

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