3 - Vampire

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A/N: Once again, if you are sensitive to these things, read at your own risk!

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Ariana's POV

I was roaming around the woods, feeling the hunger rising within each passing second.

I searched, with bloodshot eyes, looking for a victim.

A ruffling noise.. a swift movement, made me stop in my tracks.

I turned around, only to be faced with a familiar person..


He was in his werewolf form.

Sharp claws, vicious eyes, and brown hair that roamed everywhere around his body.

He had that same devilish look on his face.


"What do you want Justin?" I spoke with gritted teeth, showing him my fangs.

"You know what I want.." He said, his voice raised slightly as he moved closer to me.

"Get out of here before I tear you to shreds."
I replied with a harsh tone.

"You're so hot when you're mad.." He trailed a finger across my arm.

I grab his finger and twist it as I hiss at him loudly.

He screams in pain and puts me into a headlock before I move.

"Not so fast, babe. My work here isn't quite done." He laughs bitterly to himself, while moving his hand along my neck.

"L-Let me go." I said weakly as I wince in pain.

I never liked to show my weak side, but I guess I'm lucky I even have one.

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It was dark out as I was walking from the park on my way home.

Yes at night.

And yes, there's a park in the woods.

Okay maybe.. not.

Anyways, as I was walking, I paused.

I heard a whimper.

It sounded like a person.


But then I soon heard a growl.

And not just any growl.

A loud, vicious one.

"Anyone there?" I stupidly said not thinking of what could be behind that old, rusty house.

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Justin's POV

"Anyone there?" A gentle voice spoke.

I smirked.

The more the merrier..

I moved towards the sound of the girl's voice.

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