2- Missing

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A/N: Trigger Warning!

If you take violence and some hurtful words seriously, please don't read this.

( it's only a story )

For the rest,


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I was walking down the Miami streets, on my way to a fancy restaurant near a grocery store.

It was a bright sunny day, and I couldn't wait to make the reservation for Ariana and I's date.

*at the restaurant*

As I was walking through the pool of people in line, I noticed the figure of a person following me.

I convinced myself that maybe it was nothing. So I went on with my day.

After paying for the reservation, I started making my way out towards my car.

But again, I felt the same weird sensation as if someone was behind me.

Literally behind me.

So of course, I turned around.

Nobody.  No one was there.

*Princess is calling*

My phone started ringing.

Upon seeing the caller ID I sighed with relief.

"Hey babe, where are you?" I heard her angelic voice say.

"I came over here to pick up some things at the grocery store but I'm on my way back home."
I told her.

The reservation was a surprise so I didn't want to tell her just yet.

"Okay, come home soon. I'm cold, and need  my teddy to keep me warm."  She said in a cute little baby voice.

"I'll be there soon babe, stay saf-"

My sentence was cut short when I felt the weight of a cold metal bar hit the back of my head.

"Babe? What was that..?" Ariana's worried voice spoke on the other line.

I groaned in pain as my body landed on the ground with a sick thud.

"Are you okay? Y/n!" Her voice grew louder.

"If you want to see her again, you'll have to pay." A deep familiar voice spoke behind me.

"No! Leave her alone, don't you dare hurt her!" Ariana pleaded.

I winced in pain as I attempted to lift my head from the ground.

The pain was unbearable.

And I soon felt myself falling into a deep sleep.

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Ariana's POV

"If you want to see her again, you'll have to pay." Those words played over and over in my head while I sobbed uncontrollably and called the only person I knew I could trust with this situation.


Calling Frankie*

"Hey Ari!" " He said cheerfully.

That was.. until he heard my sobbing.

"Woah, are you okay? What's going on?" He spoke, worry evident in his voice.

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