Trouble- Part 2

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"Di..Did you kiss him?" I asked, preparing myself for the worst.

"Y/n I..."

I waited for Ariana to answer my question.

A minute pasted...

No answer.

I felt a wave of frustration overcome me.

Now followed by a rush of adrenaline pumping through my veins.

I swear I could just...


I shouldn't think this way.

I felt like ripping Ricky's head off.

I heard Ariana finally sigh and say,
"Y/n... You want the truth?"

I slowly closed my eyes to calm myself down.

I nodded my head and waited once again for her response.

"Okay. Y/n, The truth is...." She paused again.

Ugh.. I feel so impatient..

three seconds later

"I never kissed ricky, this was all a set up and I got my revenge on you." She yelled while laughing.

I stood there, startled by her outburst.

And out of nowhere, a crowd of people showed up.

I recognized them as Ariana's backup dancers, friends, and family.

I let out a sigh of relief and turned to Ariana.

"What the hell is happening?" I said shocked.

"Remember this morning after I spilled freezing cold water on yo-"

"Of course I do." I rolled my eyes at the memory.

She playfully glared at me and continued.

"Yeah well this was my plan on getting revenge.. it worked didn't it?"

"Yeah." I replied with attitude.

"Don't you sass me, Y/n."

"Wasn't trying to." I sighed.

"Oh please! I can read you like a book.. I know you're still mad at me for being a genius and making up a Genius plan."  She empathized the word "Genius."

"I'll get back at you for this, Grande."

"Go ahead Y/L/N, I ain't scared." She said.

(A/N; "Y/L/N" stands for "your last name" for those who don't know )

"Watch your back Grande, I'm onto you." I smirked at her.

She rolled her eyes at me and walked away.

Later on that day.. I continued planning a master plan to get her back.

And I knew just the person to call...

- -

A/N: Double update for all you lovelies! <3

Hope you guys enjoyed this.

Don't hesitate to give me feedback :)

Thank you for reading !

& as always..

Have a great day, and remember to be your beautiful selves!💕

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