9 - Unexpected Events

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A/N: This was a random idea.. And I don't even know how this happened. I hope you guys enjoy!
(Btw, be prepared to read the weirdest thing ever!)

You were making pancakes. & Your girlfriend, Ariana woke up to the delicious smell wanting to eat the pancakes right away.

"Almost done?" She whispered behind you making you jump & accidentally face plant into the pan & burning half of your face.

She gasped in horror realizing what she had just done. She also noticed this sharp thing on your neck.. Is that.. A dart?!

She hears a loud laugh and looks behind. She see's an evil-smirking Dinah holding a gun and her phone on the other hand snapchatting the whole thing. Before Ariana could yell at her stupidity, Dinah soon morphed into a weird abnormal creature. Ariana watched stunned as she rode away on a unicorn yelling "YOLO!" While posting the whole thing on her snapchat story.

Before Ariana could do anything else, she was hit with a cold rushing liquid.

A Starbucks drink..

She ended up falling back, her head colliding with the hard floor.

Everything was a blur, but Ariana figured that she was going to die anyways. Without a further thought, she got the remainings of the drink gulping the amounts down.

"Hey! You got me the wrong one!"

&.. Those were the final words that slipped from Ariana's mouth, before she was officially dead..

The end!



A/N: I warned you, didn't I? Sorry if this was really short, but I'll be updating more parts similar to this one if you guys like these for some weird reason. Thank you for the support & I hope that you enjoyed!

Have a great day and be nice to your beautiful selves! ❤️

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