
1.5K 36 21

Hey guys!

So, it's been a while.

I'm sorry that I haven't updated or anything in a very long time. Things have just been.. Very hard & hectic lately.

I hardly have any time to even write anything since my mind is so caught up on other things.

But.. I've thought about something. & I've been thinking about this for a while.

It's a very tough decision to make, but as of now, I will no longer be writing or doing anything on Wattpad.

There's just so many other things that I have to deal with & I can't handle everything at once.

Plus, I've ran out of ideas and can't seem to put together anything.

Anyways, I hope you guys understand & respect my decision.

I want to thank you all for supporting me, voting on parts of my story, commenting, & even noticing my work.

I love you all, & I'm more than grateful to have your support.

Before I leave, I want to tell you guys a short story.

When I first started Wattpad, I was clueless. I didn't know what to do or what to write about.

But soon, I came up with an idea.

I didn't expect my first book or published part to even get 1 view or vote.

To my surprise, my first part/ imagine got up to 6.82k views, & 133 votes.

With the book having 68.7k views, 1.88k votes, & 601 comments.

I know, maybe to some it's not much. But to me, it's huge. I didn't expect anyone to actually spend their time reading what I wrote.

I didn't expect anyone to actually let me know their thoughts on my writing.

Nor did I expect anyone to like what I wrote.

But, some ( or a lot ) seemed to do those things that I never expected.

Wattpad, is more than just an app on my phone.

Wattpad is where I met the most important people in my life. Where I can share my thoughts. But most importantly, where you guys are.

Once again, thank for for the tremendous amount of support.

I may come back later, but that is yet to be decided.

Always remember that you are all worth something. Don't let anyone or anything mess you up or get to you.

You'll never be put into a situation that you can't handle or move out of.

I say this because I know that each and every one of you has something going on in your life.

Even if it's something small. Or nothing at all, really.

Its still very important to remember though.

Anyways, if any of you need any advice on anything or anyone to talk to, know that I'm here.

Life's hard on me at the moment, but I'd love to help anyone out if possible.

But yeah.. That's all that I really have to say.

I'm more than grateful for all the amount of support that I've received and I love you guys.

Thanks for everything.

& As always,

Have a great day & be nice to yourselves 💕.

Ariana Grande ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now