Trouble- Part 6

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Previously on Trouble...

"Where do we start?" I sighed.

"Don't worry about that. I can hack too." Zendaya smiled.

"I'm just going to believe you because I don't wanna get hurt."

"Well let's get started then.." Zendaya cracked her knuckles.

- -


"Okay, I think I found the person who has her." Zendaya, stared at the laptop as she scrolled through what looked like a bunch of files.

"Really? Where?" I jumped out of my seat and ran over to Zendaya, almost knocking her and the laptop over.

"Woah woah, be careful or else we won't ever find out."

"Just show me." I rolled my eyes.

"Magic word?"


"There you go."

Zendaya handed me the laptop and I scrolled through some files until she spoke up.

"Here this one."

I clicked it and saw a bunch of words flash on the screen.

"Look here." She pointed somewhere in the screen.

An article popped up and I looked at Zendaya with a confused face.

"Just read it." She whispered.

"Jacob Roy Guzman.. most wanted criminal. Known for murdering his whole family, kidnapping, molesting-"

"Okay that's enough! No need to read any more." Tori interrupted, with a shaky voice.

I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion as I looked at the nervous blonde sitting in the couch with a scared expression.

"What's wrong, Tori?" I asked worriedly.

"L-look.." She said pointing to a person outside wearing nothing but a black suite with a camera in his hand.

"What the hell?..Wait.. Where's Lauren?" I asked.

"She's upstairs in the guest room. Go hide there while Tori and I go see who and what that person is doing."

I nodded quickly, making my way upstairs with no hesitation.

Instead of going into my room, I decided to go and check up on Lauren to make sure that she was safe.

"Lauren? You there?" I whispered quietly while knocking on the door lightly.

There was no response.

"Lauren?" I tried again this time trying to open the door.

It was locked.

Thoughts raced in my mind while I tried to stay perfectly calm which didn't exactly work.

"Lauren!" I said a bit louder.

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