11 - Vacation disaster

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Ariana & I were currently on a vacation. I'm not sure how she did it, but she convinced me to go on this cruise thing.

Me having Thalassphobia, of course, I've never really liked the ocean. At all..

"Babe, are you okay?" Ariana asked looking at me, noticing my scared expression as I gazed out at the large ocean.

"Yeah.. I'm fine, awesome!" I said hoping that she'd sense the sarcasm.

"Okay." She smiled not noticing.

*Voice from spongebob*
"A Few minutes later.."
Surprisingly, I was a bit calm while on the ship. It was actually sorta peaceful..

I looked up at Ariana seeing her with a shocked expression.

"Ari, what's wrong?" I asked, my voice laced with concern.

"Nothing, Nothing, everything is alright." She stated rather nervously as she put her arm around my shoulder, making me instantly relax.

"Okay..." I said slowly.


A few minutes later, I looked back at Ariana, she looked much more scared.

"Hey what's wron-"

"Nothing!" She said not letting me see in the direction that she was looking at.

"Hey Y/n?"


"Well... It was nice knowing ya."

"Hu-" My actions were stopped when Ariana pushed me back & off the ship. Letting me fall into the freezing cold water with a big hideous shark.






And that was how Y/n & the big hideous shark had shark babies together..



A/N: Well I hope you guys enjoyed this! (Probably not bc it's weird) Buut, thank you for reading!

Have a great day & be nice to your amazing selves! 💗

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