Rumors- Part 2

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A/N: Sorry for keeping you guys waiting! I'm just so busy.

But, anyways, this is Part Two Of Rumors!

As Suggested By @HELLO45845 (:

I hope you guys enjoy!

Slight Trigger Warning- If You are sensitive to stuff like this, read at your own risk.

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Your POV
After Ariana left, I felt like I the world was after everything that made me whole.

More specifically, anything caused me happiness.

I felt alone.

Heart broken, and as ironic as it sounds. I still wanted to be with Ariana.

I didn't want to let her go. But she hurt me.

She broke me.

Betrayed me..

I felt anger start to built up inside me, quickly followed by frustration.

I ran to the nearest wall and punched it, letting all of my frustration out.

I punched it a few more times. Each time feeling more weak.

Finally I quit punching the wall and slid down it, sobbing uncontrollably.

A few moments later, I decided to call the only other person that I trusted.

Or should I say the only one I trust now.

And that person was Demi.

Yes I am still a mess. And it's literally 3:00 in the morning but, I can't bear all of this pain. At least not alone.

I started debating with myself on whether I should call Demi or not.

What if I wake her up?

Or annoy her?

What if she doesn't even want talk to me for some reason?

I stopped my thoughts and decided to call her.

*Calling Demi*

"Y/n? It's 3:00 in the fricken morning! Why would you even be up at this ti-"

I let out a small whimper, cutting her off.

"Y/n is everything okay? What happened?" She said, now more awake.

"It.. it's Ariana. She..." I said trailing off.

I couldn't continue my sentence.

"Are you guys alright? What happened?"
She said.

"Dems? Can I.. ask you something?" I replied nervously.

"Anything. What is it?" She answered.

"Can you come over? Please.." I said with a cracking voice.

"Um.. it's a bit late. But I'll be there in 10, yeah?" She said.

"Thank you.." I sighed deeply.

"Of course. I'll start getting ready." She said before hanging up.

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