Trouble - Part 8

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Two Months Later..
"C'mon, Hurry up!" Jacob sternly said as I grabbed everything we needed from the old dirty house.

And No.. We weren't moving somewhere or anything. It's quite different actually. In order to survive, I was forced to be a part of Jacob's team.

And the most horrible thing was that right now at this moment, we were in a huge mission. Not just any mission, one that depended between life & death.

I ran as fast as I could into the big white van where Jacob & the team had been waiting.

And Nope, Just because The girls & I agreed to be a part of the team, does not mean that everything is automatically okay.

We would still get beaten by Jacob's drunken ass if we ever piss him off or do something he doesn't approve of.

Unfortunately, Ariana didn't agree to be on the team. Which means that it's  just Lauren, Tori, & I.

But.. It also means that she's basically his slave.

She is being held somewhere. I don't know where. But I'm going to find her.

Right now we we're discussing how our mission would go. I didn't know what we were going to do. But from what I've heard of, this person is a very "important" person.

I closed the door behind me and turned to Jacob waiting for my next instructions.

"Okay Everyone, Listen." Jacob started.

"This is a very, very, very, important mission. We are going to go to someone's house, & we are going to rob them. Be aware that there will be security and policemen. You will follow my orders, and do as I say. You will not fail me, understood?" He said looking at us.

I nodded obediently and mentally prepared myself for what was about to take place.

* A Few Hours Later *

"Okay Everyone, We're here!" Jacob loudly said.

I groaned at the sudden noise but decided to get up instead of arguing.

"Remember. You will not fail me." He repeated.

Once again, we all nodded and prepared ourselves for our mission.

"Okay Y/n, You will be in charge of protection. You protect anyone who is on our team and in risk of life. And if you find anything that we need, bring it." Jacob said.

"Same goes for you two." He said pointing to Tori, Lauren, & I.

"Let's do this.." Jacob said with an evil smirk.

I got out of the white van carefully & looked at my surroundings.

I decided that the only way to get inside the house was through an air vent. Usually air vents would be very small, but of course this rich guy had a huge one with some sort of decoration. Weirdo.

Without anymore thought, I got out some tools and carefully opened the vent & got inside.

Luckily, No guards saw me or anything. Thank God.

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