Rumors - Part 4 (Final)

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A/N: It's about timeee. Lol. Continue :

Her gaze fell to my lips. And so did mine to hers..

We started leaning in slowly. Our faces inches apart..

We were so close that I could feel her hot breathe on my lips.

Then suddenly.


"Wha-What?" I said dumbfounded.

"Babe, are you okay?"Ariana said looking at me worriedly.

"Ye-yeah, I'm fine.." I said smiling nervously.

"Well I was trying to wake you up a while ago. You started doing weird things in your sleep.." She said emphasizing "Weird" as much as she could.

I narrowed my eyes at her, feeling as if this weren't reality.

"What?.." She said confused at my actions.

"N-Nothing, I just had a weird dream. & you were in it.."

"What happened in the dream?"

"Weird things.."

"Y/n, Just tell me." She sighed.

"You basically cheated on me with Justin. What was his name? Justin- Justin Beaver? Believer? I don't know. But it was him &... Well many things happened." I said making her laugh.

"You mean Justin Bieber, Right?"

"Yeah, him." I said waving her off.

"Well I would never cheat on you so I don't know where you got that from." She said taking my hand in her own.



"Sorry I've got to take this.." She said grabbing her phone & going outside.


Ariana's POV

"Hey Ariana, It's Justin. Are you ready for the prank?.." Justin said excitedly.

"Yeah, we just need to call Demi & let her in the plan." I quietly said.

"Okay Cool, I'll call her now if you want."

"Sure. Thanks Justin."

"No problem."

"And hey, one more thing.. Give me a signal when you & Demi arrive."

"Sure thing."

"Thanks. Bye!"


This is going to be great.. I thought to myself.

We're basically going to prank Y/n. I heard her mumbling mine, Justin, & Demi's name in her sleep. I figured it'd be fun to pull a prank on her & make her dream seem as if it were reality. But of course, I needed some help.

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