19 - Stupid Ideas

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"Uhh.. Y/n, I don't think this is a good idea." Ariana spoke nervously as she watched me climb the tall tree.

"Sure it is. It'll be fun." I spoke dismissively.

"Yeah, plus it'll be more entertaining when she falls and lands straight on her ass." Alessia suddenly jumped out of the bushes, appearing nearly from thin air.

"Just wait and see how entertaining it'll be when I jump outta here and snap your neck." A sudden voice spoke besides me, making me flinch hard and loose my balance.

As I was about to fall, a hand grabbed my wrist and slightly pulled me upwards.

"Harry? What are you doing here?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Just here to the rescue. Now less talking and more work. I might just drop you on Alessia's head." Harry responded with his thick British accent.

"Not on my watch." Dinah suddenly came up behind us.

"What the fuck.." Ariana cursed as she watched the whole scene in front of her.

"Can you just drop her already?" Alessia's voice rang out from underneath us.

"Excuse me?" I looked at her.

"Nothing, nothing. I was just joking." She put her hands up in defense.

"Yeah, you better be." Lauren suddenly appeared from behind a bench.

"What is happening?" Ariana sighed.

"I have no idea. But someone better help me up before I fall." I spoke.

"On it!" Ally came out of nowhere.

"No way Alls, you'll never even make it halfway up there." Dinah turned to her.

"Just because I'm short doesn't mean I can't climb my way up there." Ally defended herself.

"It kind of does." Normani came up behind her.

"Can someone just help me?!" I yelled.

"I'll do it." Tori came from behind a water fountain.

"If anyone else is going to appear and offer their 'help' just come out already. I might as well just fall and land on one of you." I sighed.

Suddenly a large crowd of people came out of nowhere.

"Don't worry Y/n, I'll help you!" Zendaya suddenly came out of a trashcan and did a cool flip.

"Hey, Zen? Can you show me how to do that flip thingy so that I can try it out here from thin air since nobody's really helping me?" I asked.

"Sure." She shrugged.

"I was kidding! Now come help me, please." I exclaimed.

As Zendaya was climbing up the tree, a loud noise was heard from above.

"Oh what now! Is Jesus suddenly gonna come out of nowhere now too?" I heard Ariana yell.

"Nope. Now get in, Y/n." Lauren spoke as she flew the helicopter near me.

"Thank god." I sighed.

Once I was in the plane, I looked down and gasped.

There was a huge crowd below me.

"Out of all of y'all, none of you could be as generous as Lauren and help me out?" I yelled out.

"Hey! I was going to help but I was running late." Dinah yelled back.

"Late? Why exactly?" I questioned.

"This is why." She ran behind a bush, and rushed back on a unicorn ; flying up to our level.

"Oh..?" I said confused.

"Mhmm. Now, do you wanna stay in Lauren's crappy helicopter or get on this beauty?" She pointed to the unicorn.

"Uhh.. I'm good here, thanks." I responded.

"Suit yourself." She said as she flew away from us leaving a trail of glitter and a bright rainbow behind.

"What a weirdo." Lauren snorted.

"Haha, yeah." I agreed.


A/N : Well that was random.. lol but, I hope you enjoyed this weird imagine as much as I enjoyed writing it. I will do my best to start updating more & being more active. But for now, here's this weird imagine :))

Thank you for all of your support.

Have an amazing day and be nice to yourselves ❣

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