Lost & Found - Part 2

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"Well.. It's just that my mom doesn't treat me as fairly as my brother.. And my brother basically abuses me." I stated quietly looking down.

"He what?!"

"I-he does.."

"Look I know we just met but you can trust on me. & you need to tell someone about this Y/n." She worriedly said taking one of my hands in her own.

"I-I know, I can't.." I stuttered.

"Why not?"

"Because nobody would care.."

"Y/n, we just met & I already care." She said looking at me in the eyes.

"Y-you do?"

"Yeah, I do." She confirmed holding my hand & smiling.


"A-Aww Po-poor Y/n." Ariana said between laughs as I told her my embarrassing childhood memories.

"Yeah, it was a big struggle for me to sleep after that happened." I laughed.

(8 years old)
I was currently watching a movie. A horror movie to be specific..

It was my first time watching. I honestly wasn't too fond of watching it but I did it just to prove my brother wrong.

He called me a "Pussy" & whatever that meant, it didn't sound like a kind thing.

"C'mon Y/n, watch it. Don't be a pussy. Or what? Are you?" He asked in annoyed tone as he laughed bitterly at the end.

"Of course not.." I lied.

"Then watch this."

He bought his laptop over while clicking on a scary looking video.

The video played..

There were words on the screen flashing, & I honestly didn't know what it meant.

Then, a woman was shown looking into a mirror. Again, I didn't know what was going on but it gave me a bad feeling..

Before I knew it, the face of a horrifying-demon-looking person came into view, scaring me to death.

"Jesus Christ!" I screamed like a maniac running out of my brother's room & jumping into my "hiding place"

I stayed there for very long. Not bothering to even move a muscle.

I looked in every way, cautious of all of my surroundings.

I didn't dare to move..


Let's just say.. It was a long night.

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