16 - Mysteries

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Emptiness. That's what I feel. I feel numb, anxious, & frustrated. I don't know the reason but I feel like that's something that I'm about to find out.

"Y/n." A voice hollered from above, sending chills down my spine.

"Yes?" I responded looking for person who's voice that belonged to.

Nothing was in sight.

All that could be seen was pure whiteness. No landscape. Nothing.

"Y/n." The voice said once again.

"W-who are you? And what is it that you want?" I stuttered with nervousness.


Before the voice could continue, I felt as if I were falling deeply into a portal-like space.

I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out.

I tried to move but felt as if I were paralyzed.

I breathed in and out heavily, my lungs taking in large amounts of air. Burning for the relief that couldn't seem to be found in the air. I feel like I'm suffocating..

Soon, a shadow appeared. The landscape was dark. Everything was in black and white.

Everything seemed like an old fashioned movie, & I was the one watching.

I was startled when I heard a small giggle and saw two figures playing with sand, making sandcastles.

This feels familiar..

I let out a small gasp when I saw my 5 year old face followed by another person who's face I couldn't clearly see.

I looked so happy...

I stared ahead in awe, Why couldn't I go back to those times? When things were much easier.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain. I looked back ahead and saw all of my challenges in life in front of me.

"You don't matter."

"You're not enough."

"Nobody likes you."

3 different voices echoed.

I covered my ears & shut my eyes close, "Shut up!" I yelled at the voices.

But they didn't stop..

"You're nothing!"

"You're worthless."

"Nobody cares about you."

I sighed deeply, feeling tears start to form in my eyes, "Please... Just stop!" I croaked out.

"You're so wea-"

The voice was cut off by another new voice.

"Don't listen to them, they're wrong!"

Then, two figures appeared.

One of them was a dark & pure black color. With their face hidden, huge rippled wings, and a pattern of curved lines in each side of the figure's wings.

The other on the other hand, was the total opposite. The brightest shade of white, with the same shape & design of wings as the other figure.

"Wh-who are you guys?" I asked with my voice laced with fear.


Before the figure could continue, it was tackled by the dark black figure.

My heart started beating fast & I felt pure adrenaline rush through my veins.

"No, stop, get off!" I yelled at the dark figure.

The figure only let out an evil laugh,
"I'm afraid that won't be possible Y/n."

How does it know my name?!..

Before I could respond, the white figure let out a scream of pain.

I looked up & saw the black figure throwing punches and kicks at the other figure.


My eyes widened & without a further thought I ran and tackled the dark figure.

"Get off of me!" It yelled.

I kicked & hit it until it stopped moving.

Finally, there was silence.

I looked up trying to find the white figure that was nowhere in sight.

Once I looked back for the dark one, it was gone...

I let out a gasp when I felt a hand cover my mouth. And before I knew it, I was being led to an unknown place.

I tried to yell but once again, I couldn't.

"Sshhh." The voice said.

At this, I felt confused. The voice didn't send chills down my spine, it only made me feel safe & reassured.

I turned over & faced the figure. I let out another gasp when I saw who it was.

It was.......

Hey guys! Soo, it's been long since I've updated, but I figured that I'd update today! & I hope that you guys enjoyed this. I'll try my best to start updating more often or as soon as I can. Thank you for reading(:

Have a great day & be nice to your amazing selves! ❤️

Ariana Grande ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now