The Woods - Part Two

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Ariana's POV

I wake up to a cold gust of wind that sends chills down my back.

My feet are sore.

My body is sore.

Everything hurts.

As my eyes start to adjust, I notice the boulder of a rock in my arms, and the crumpled up leaves beneath me.

The forest, lays itself around me.

A gasp escapes my mouth in realization.

It was just a dream.

I'm still stuck in the woods.

And I might never make it out.


The leaves under my feet create a sickening crunch as I scamper around.

How did I survive?

The landscape around me is horrific.

Trees fallen down, leaves, and bark everywhere.

And that's not the worst of it.

As I walk towards one of the fallen trees, I see that underneath, the body of an animal lays.

I grimace and quickly turn around.

That's when I see it.

The trees have all fallen down in such a specific way.

The place in which I laid is a perfect circle, with leaves surrounding the outside.

As this realization hits me, I feel myself start to get light headed.

"Ariana... A.."

I gasp.

"What..?" I look around, no ones there.

"" A voice whispers.

I shake my head.

"Close.. your.. eyes." It whispers again.

"Nope. That's it. I'm going crazy." I start to walk away from the circle.


I flinch.

And somehow, my eyes shut close.

All air in my body leaves.


The blinding light of the sun hits me.

I squint.

Did I just teleport..

I flinch.

"Oh no. It's happening again." Y/N's voice says.


I feel my body start to move. But I'm not moving it.

I open the door to the bathroom and reach for a bottle of pills.

My hand instinctively grabs a specific amount and pops them into my mouth.

Wait.. no! What-

I begin to get worried.

What the hell am I doing?

My train of thought gets interrupted as my eyes slowly dart to the mirror.

My heart stops.

Y/N's face is staring back at me.

Only, with bright golden, glowing eyes.

I gasp.

And suddenly, I'm back in the woods.

Confused, alone, and lost.


A/N : Ooo spooky 👻

What's going on here?

Are Y/N and Ari somehow.. connected?

And in what way?


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