5 - Carnival

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A/N: Sorry this is a bit late!

I hope you guys enjoy this imagine!(:

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Your POV

Today is Ariana & I's 1Year Anniversary.

Yup, one year strong!

Right now, we're in a car driving to a small carnival where a big crowd of people are headed.

"So one last time,
I need to be
the one
who takes you homee.." Ariana's heavenly voice sang as her song played on the radio.

She turned to look at me with a small smile forming on her lips as she sang "I need to be the one who takes you home."

I smiled back and looked at her with pure love and adoration.

Oh, how I love her..

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At the Carnival

Ariana's POV

Y/n & I were walking around the carnival, hands intertwined, and dorky smiles on our faces.

We looked around for any interesting games to try out.

In the distance, I noticed a large line of people, along with the most biggest and cutest teddy bear.

I stopped in my tracks and tugged on Y/n's arm gently.

She looked at me with a confused expression, but soon noticed the bear and walked towards the station.


Information regarding the game:

1. Knock down all of the Penguins with the toy balls

2. You get 3 shots at trying to knock them down

3. Each attempt costs $2

Good luck!

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Y/n looked at the board intently.

Once she was done, she handed a tall guy $2 and proceeded to knock down the Penguins.

I started cheering for her, which seemed to help her a bit.

Unfortunately, she failed on her first try.

And the second.

And the third..

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Several attempts later..

Your POV

Ugh, stupid penguins!

This is so frustrating.

I have already wasted about $20, but I will not loose this game.

"Babe, it's okay. You don't have to." Ariana spoke next to me.

"Noo, I wanna win this for you." I pouted.

"That's sweet but you literally just wasted $20!" She said kissing away my pout.

I smiled feeling the same butterflies that I felt when we first met.

"Just let me try one more time. Please?" I looked at her.

"Okay, but this is the last time" She said kissing my cheek.


This is the final time.

I can do this..

I handed the guy $2 and prepared for failure.

To my surprise, I ended up knocking over those dumb penguins.



"You did it!" Ariana jumped up and down.

I smiled at her cuteness.

The guy handed me the teddy bear, and I quickly thanked him as we left.

As we started leaving for wherever Ariana wanted to go next, I noticed Ariana cradling the teddy in her arms, with her eyes closed, and a goofy smile on her face.

"What you smiling about?" I asked.

Her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled wider.

My heart melted.

"Thank you for today, babe." She said.

"Anything for you, princess. Where do you want to go next?" I asked.

"I want to go home actually.. I'm pretty tired. We could eat leftovers or just watch a movie and cuddle?" She suggested.

"Sounds good." I replied.

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Moments Later

Ariana and I were watching a movie as we cuddled.

I watched her as she focused on the Tv.

As lame as it sounds.. I found her more interesting than the Tv.

She looked up, catching me watching her.

I smiled at her as she scrunched up her nose cutely.

She's so cute.

"You know, it's not polite to stare.." She said.

"I'm just admiring what I have.." I replied.

She smiled widely, "I love you so much.."

"I love you too Ari.." I said capturing her lips with my own.

Butterflies swarmed in my stomach.

But I was happy.

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A/N: Hey!

Hope you guys liked this imagine!

As always,

Have a great day and be nice to yourselves!💓

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