Rumors- Part 3

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"I..uh.. is this okay?" I motioned to me being in her arms.

"Yeah, it's fine." She said yawning a bit.

"We should go sleep now." I said yawning.

"Yeah.. goodnight,  Y/n" Demi whispered.

"Goodnight.." I whisper back.

- -

Later on in the morning

I stirred slightly in my sleep as I felt a warm hand caress my face lightly.

My breathing quickened as memories from last night flowed freely in my mind.

"I don't know why she would do that to you. You're so fragile.. and beautiful, and perfect..." I heard Demi whisper quietly.

I stopped trying to pretend to sleep and tried to make it seem believable when I "woke up."

I turned to the side and stretched as my eyes fluttered open.

"Morning, Y/n." Demi said.

"Morning.." I yawned.

Demi giggled from beside me.

"What?" I looked at her with confusion.

"Nothing.." She smiled.

"It's obviously something if it's got you all smiley like that." I replied.

"You're just really cute in the morning." Demi looked at me with a gleam in her eye.

"Well, you know.." I looked at her as I flipped my hair.

"You're so cocky." Demi rolled her eyes playfully.

"Why thank you." I smiled.


My phone went off.

I quickly put in my passcode and checked my notifications.

*4 Missed Calls, 3 Messages from "Unknown Number" (202-555-0156)

(202-555-0156) : I know you blocked my number Y/n. It's Ariana.

*Missed Call from (202-555-0156)*

(202-555-0156) : I can explain.

*Missed call from (202-555-0156)

(202-555-0156) : I know sorry isn't going to fix this but please..

*Missed Call from (202-555-0156)

(202-555-0156) : Please answer..

*Missed call from (202-555-0156)

"Who's that?" Demi asked.

"The cheater.."

"Well.. Ariana made a grande mistake, for letting you go." Demi kissed my cheek.

"Thank you, Demi." I replied meeting her gaze.

"No problem Y/n." She smiled.

"No I mean.. Thank you for being here for me and making me feel loved. I know it's hard to handle me sometimes." I sigh.

"There's no need to thank me. I'm always here for you. You know that.."

Her gaze fell to my lips.

And so did mine to hers..

We started leaning in slowly.

Our faces only inches apart.

We were so close that I could feel her hot breathe on my lips.

Then suddenly.


- -

A/N: Whoops.. another cliffhanger.

This one's for @HELLO45845 :)

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this!

(I doubt anyone reads these but thank you for those who do)

Have a great day and remember to be nice to your amazing selves!

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