20 - The bee

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I looked around and sighed. It was a beautiful day today.

The sky was blue, the clouds were striking from above, and I sat next to the love of my life ; Ari.

"Whatcha thinking about?" She turned to me.

"Just somethings." I smiled.

"Like what?" Her brown eyes shined with curiosity.

Before I could speak, I was distracted by a sudden movement of what seemed to be a bee.

I silently stared at it and waited for it to fly away. Which didn't happen.

Instead, the bee flew closer to Ariana's arm and landed on it.

"Y/n? Something wrong?" Ariana looked at me.

"I- uh- yeah, just.. Don't move." I warned.

"Why?" She gently moved.

"Ari!" I freaked out as I saw the bee start moving.

"Woah what?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Babe.. Just stay still.." I reached to the side, in search of a paper or tool.

To my luck, I found a newspaper.

I swiftly grabbed it and met Ari's worried eyes.

"THERE'S A FUCKING BEE ON YOU!" I used the paper as a megaphone and yelled out.

"What?!" Ariana exclaimed as she got up and swung her arms and body.

"Get it off! Get it off!" She yelled.

"Stop moving!" I suggested.

"Is it gone?" She stood still.

As I was going to respond, I saw 2 more bees land on her arm.


"FUCK IT IM JUMPING INTO THE POND." Ari yelled as she threw herself into the pond, startling a few ducks.

"ARI!" I screamed.

"Yeah?" She responded.


"Yeah.. They're fine." She said bluntly.


A/N : Heeey Guys! I just realized that I hadn't updated in a long time & I'm really sorry about that. Hopefully this makes up for it, even though it's reaaally short.

I hope you guys are doing well and that everything's okay.

Annnd as always,

Have a great day and be nice to your beautiful selves <3

Ariana Grande ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now