8 - Fight

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"Ari, I don't even know why we're arguing. This is ridiculous." I tiredly sighed as I paced around the room.

"Because you don't care about what I have to say! I only want to go get some Starbucks or something.." Ariana huffed while crossing her arms & pouting like a child.

"Ariana.. It's almost past midnight! I bet they're already closed." I said rolling my eyes at her.

"Oh please. I beg to differ. I need some Starbucks or else I'm going to die!" She exaggerated.

"Sorry but no." I said turning around and leaving the room to go back to sleep.

A few minutes later, I heard a loud car pull up and start to annoyingly honk.

I got up and went outside, ready to kill whoever disturbed me from my sleep, only to be met by more than one person.

"Yo Y/n/n, How you doin'?" Dinah yelled while idiotically honking the horn many more times.

"Hey stop tha-" Ally yelled from the backseat trying to get her to stop but only managed to fall into the front seat and land on her face.

"Hoiii hold up, I gotta post this on snapchat." Dinah laughed taking out her phone and recording.

"Help me!" Ally shrieked.

"Dinah get out of the way!" Lauren said pushing Dinah away.

"You get out the way." Dinah argued pushing Lauren back.

"Woah what happening?" Camila chimed in being awoken by the two yelling girls.

"Mila be carefu-" Normani was cut off by Camila's scream when she was pushed by the fighting girls, falling down on little Ally.

"I'm okay.." Camila said.

"I'm not!" Ally exclaimed.

I stood there laughing at them as they all started arguing, the arguing & laughter soon turned into silence when Ariana's voice came into view.

"What's going on here?!" Ariana's panicked voice asked.

"I could ask you the same." I said lifting my eyebrow and crossing my arms.

"I-uh-well..." She stammered.

"Exactly." I said smirking at her.

"Why are you guys really here?" I questioned looking at them.

"Ariana called us over so that we could take her out since she said that you were being a unfair little shi-"

"Okay okay that's enough." Ariana rushed covering Dinah's mouth to stop her from talking any further.

"Yeah, Okay.. Just don't disturb me while I'm trying to sleep, and I'll be fine." I said making my way back inside.

*A Few minutes Later*

After a few minutes of peace and sleep, my mind was disturbed by small noisy whispers coming from downstairs.

Ugh what now...?

Getting up with a scowl on my face, I slowly went downstairs, expecting to be met by the girls.

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