17 - The Sandwich

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A/N : Soo before getting to the story,
I just want to apologize for the slow updates. I hope you guys enjoy this weird imagine tho (:

& Earlier today, I was scrolling through some pointless things that I wrote in my notes and found a note about an old Ari fan account of mine. Soo if any of you guys want to see cringy photo & video edits, go check it out :3

( @Praising_Grande )
^ On Instagram

Ill be posting some edits there soon, for now there's just 1 photo posted there.

Anywaysss, now to the story ~>

Ariana's POV
I sat on the couch, watching TV waiting until Y/n came to join me. She's been in bed all day doing nothing but using her phone & being lazy.

"Ariiii?" She yelled from her room.

I sighed & responded as I put the volume of the TV lower than it was. "Yeah babe?"

"Can you do me a favor?"

"It depends on what it is." I said.

"Can you make me a sandwich?"

"Can you take a break from your phone & join me?" I asked.

There was a few seconds of silence until a response was heard,
"But I want to stay heree," she whined.

"Well, go make your own sandwich the-"

"Okay okay fine." She sighed.

Footsteps were soon heard & Y/n took a seat in the table where I was making her sandwich.

Once I was done with it, Y/n spoke up, "Soo, can I just take the sandwich and go or...?" She trailed off.

"Stay here." I responded.

I turned around to get something from the fridge when I heard Y/n's sneaky ass grab the plate, & run into her room.

I ran after her and blocked the door before she could shut it close.

"What the fu-"

I took her sandwich & put it on the small table in her room.

"Nooooo."  She tried to reach for it but I stopped her before she could.

Without a single word, I took the sandwich & went near the balcony, threatening to let it fall.

"No! Ari, don't you dar-"

I smirked & let the sandwich fall, "Whoops."

"Noooo!!" Y/n yelled.

She slowly went near & nearer into the side of the balcony & almost let herself fall.

"Y/n, what the fuck, Are you crazy?!" I yelled.


And those were the last words of Y/n until she let herself fall off the balcony & land on the sandwich.

Somewhere in the clouds of heaven,
Y/n & the sandwich met once again.

And they lived happily ever after.

The end.

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