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Hey guys!

Soooooo, I've been thinking for a while about this book and what I'll do with it.

Annnnd..  I've decided that..

I'll be coming back and posting new parts!

Soo, expect some weird & random imagine sometime after I put this up.

I've been taking some time for myself to think and I feel that coming back would be something that would help me.

Writing's something that helps me properly convey my feelings. It's something that gives me the ability to create random situations while bringing them to life in simple words.

And I didn't exactly realize how much I enjoy doing that until now.

I've grown a lot ; mentality wise, mostly.

And because of that, I feel that my writing has somewhat improved during this time.

I also want to take chance to properly thank you guys for the enormous amount of support that you guys show/give on this book.

Even after I decided to take a break from everything, I still see that people comment or vote on my imagines and that just makes me feel really grateful and happy for having that type of support.

Soooo, thank you guys for everything.

Y'all are awesome:)

Expect an updateeeee!

An as alwayssss,

Have a great day and be nice to yourselves! <3


PS : Today is my bdayy, yasssss :>
but,, I'm getting old ;-;

PPS : You're an awesome human:))

PPPS : if you're still reading this, you deserve an award for such dedication & awesomeness you have lolol

PPPPS : okokok, see y'all :P

Ariana Grande ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now