22 - Dark

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"I can't see anything!" I groan as I move around the house.

The power had gone out and by the looks of it, it wasn't coming back anytime soon.

All that surrounded the house was the same pitch black color.

"Use your flashlight." Ariana sighs next to me.

"It doesn't work," I reply.

"Y/n! Quick, use that photo of the sun!" Zendaya suggests.

"What?" Ariana and I say in sync.

"If you use the photo of the sun, you'll find your way in the dark," Zendaya explains.

I facepalm, "You're kidding, right?"

"Try it out for yourself," Zendaya replies.

Sighing, I go into my photo album and tap on the bright picture of the sun.

I put my brightness up and point the screen around the room.

"This is so stupid-"

"Hey!" Zendaya cuts me off as she moves away from the light.

I quickly turn the phone away, "What?"

"You'll burn me." She huffs.

Ariana snorts from beside me, "Yeah sure. Let's see if this will 'burn' you." She turns the screen at Zendaya's direction.

Suddenly, a huge ray of light shines from the phone and engulfs Zendaya's entire form.

"No! Don't-"

The mass of light gets bigger and bigger, stronger within every passing second.

Until finally,

It burns the whole world into ashes and ends humanity.

The end.


A/N : Hii.
Still alive here.

I hope you guys enjoyed this.
I know it's short, but it's literally about to be midnight in like two minutes and I'm exhausted.

Doubt anyone even reads these things anymore, but if you do, I appreciate you soo so much.

As always,

Have a great day and be nice to yourselves :)

I'll be resting and coming up with some new stuff soon. Hopefully.

Thank you for reading!

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