14- Lost & Found

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A/N: This is a different kind of chapter/Imagine.. It's much more serious.

I feel like sharing it because it would somehow make me feel better. Just by simply letting my emotions free.

(Sometimes the situations of things could give people an understanding of how one feels. Me personally, this is how I feel towards life)



I sat outside in peace, watching the two squirrels on a branch fighting over a piece of food.

Their fight reminded me of a few things..

After a few minutes, one of them eventually won the tiny piece of food.

I then started to watch the moving leaves of the tall sea-green colored trees as the brisk breeze gently hit the back of my neck making me shiver.

I hugged my knees to my chest & sighed while closing my eyes.

I wish life could be as calming as it seems now.. I thought to myself.

"Y/n!" My annoying brother's voice yelled from inside the house.

Ugh what now?...

"What?!" I yelled back.

"Get your ass over here." He yelled once again.

I rolled my eyes at him & made my way towards the house.

"Come on & clean the house before mom gets home from work." He continued once I was inside.

My mom always worked. Maybe too much. & I was basically left with my idiotic lazy brother who didn't do anything but somehow got the credit. I know, stupid!

"What? Why me? Weren't you put in charge?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well that doesn't matter."

"Actually it does. I've been cleaning & doing everything while mom's away for almost a whole week! And what have you done? Nothing." I complained.

"Listen, you will do whatever I say. Or else I will tell mom about your little stupid mischiefs." His stern voice said as he harshly slammed my back into the wall making me wince in pain.

"Why do you even want me to do all the work?" He asked irritated.

"I figured that you could use the exercise, fat ass." I spat.

"You are so dead.." He said full of anger.

I ran upstairs knowing that when he was mad, he could kill.

I quickly ran inside my room and locked the door.

"Open the door, now!" He yelled.


Before I could do anything, the door was harshly opened & he entered my room.

"What the-" I was cut off by his fist swinging at me & hitting the side of my face.

"Stop! Just leave me alo-"

Ariana Grande ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now