The Woods - Part Four -

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I'm running.

As far as my feet can take me.

The crumpled leaves crunch beneath my feet, and my body aches but I can't stop.

I have to keep going.

I woke to the sound of murmured voices behind me, and the familiar darkened robes.

I knew I had to run, then, but I hesitated.

I could sense them sneaking behind me like a predator hunting it's prey, and before I knew it, they were much too close.

They yelled my name over and over, and like hypocrites, used the very power that they so badly want to rip from me.

I don't understand.

What's so special about us both?

Why can't Y/n and I be left alone?

Damn it.

Here it comes again.

The anger.

I take a look back, body pulsing with adrenaline, but this time I don't hold back.

I scream.

The sound travels far, apparently enough to pierce their ears, and they fall back.

Call it telekinetic force, or power, but it feels good.

My small victory is quickly replaced by a harsh realization that my eyes are now glowing golden.

And so are theirs.

They stare at me, with a gaze so intense it makes me freeze in place.

I feel my mind blank and I panic at the all-too familiar sensation.


Not again.

Y/n.. I have to get back. I have to.

"Get out of my head!" I yell, gripping at both sides of my head, in pain and desperation.


I remember the times we shared.

How safe it felt to be in their arms.

The way they made me laugh.

Their smile..

I know they can feel it too.

Those black robed idiots can try and take Y/n from me but I will find a way.

And if it hurts me this much to remember these things, I hope they can feel, and dwell in that pain too.

Just because they use their powers differently and have different opinions doesn't mean we're so different.

We're connected.

That's something that can't be changed.

No matter how badly I wish it could..

I sense this energy rise from within me, and I take in a deep breath.


Please, I need to reach her.

Even if this is the last time.

My eyes close.

"Y/n.. Can you hear me?" I speak softly.

My eyes fly open.

And like always, it's like I'm teleported somewhere new, through time and space.

My eyes focus to see a pair of outstretched hands, shaking with a bottle of pills in the bathroom.

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