15 - Overprotective

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Ariana's POV
I was on my phone when I heard my girlfriend yell from upstairs, "Babe?" She yelled.

"Yeah?" I responded.

She came downstairs seeing where I was sitting & buried her face in my neck while pressing a gentle kiss on the side of it. At this, I shut my phone off & turned to her with pure confusion written on my face.

Something was up.. Whenever she wants something, she tries to convince me by doing things like these & starts to act all innocent..

"Y/n, what is it now?" I sighed.

"What? I can't just show some affection to my wonderful girlfrien-" I turned to her with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay okay fine. It's just that there's this party.. And I want to go." She continued.

Hearing these news, I immediately felt negative feelings towards this "party" that Y/n wanted to go to.

"When is this party?" I asked.


"Well, before you ask. The answer is No." I said with an innocent smile as I looked at her.

"Pleaseeeee?" She insisted.


"C'monnn." She pouted while doing puppy eyes.

I looked at her for a bit, nearly giving in but resisted the feeling.

"Nope." I answered.

"You're no fun." She huffed.

"Aww thank you." I smiled.

"Yeah yeah, I'm going to go sleep now."

"Why so suddenly?" I questioned.

"Oh so now I can't go sleep without your permission?"

"Y/n.. You're being childish. I'm just asking why you're going to sleep so suddenly, that's all. But if you want to go, then go." I sighed.

"Yeah? Well you're being controlling." She rolled her eyes, "Now I'm leaving." She ran upstairs and into her room, shutting the door harshly.

Sighing, I got up and quietly went upstairs, making my way towards where she was.

I gently put my ear to the door, hearing Y/N's phone notify with a notification.

Who is she texting?..

I decided to trust her & let her be. So I left & continued doing what I left off on.


*The next day*


"Ari?" Y/n said while looking for me.

"Yeah?" I responded going into the living room where she was.

"If you don't want to come with me to the party, can't I just go by myself?"she asked.

Leave her alone? Going to some party? That's definitely a No.

Ariana Grande ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now