7 - Trouble

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I woke up to someone shaking me awake. I groaned and turned to the opposite direction.

As I started to drift off to sleep once again, I felt a freezing cold substance pour onto my head.

I shot up awake and gasped.

"What the fuck was that fo-" I stopped mid-sentence when I saw Ariana standing there with her arms crossed.

"Heyy Y/n..." Ariana said with her voice pitching up at the end.

The funny thing is that at first she looked fierce and intimidating but now she's nervous and flustered.

I smirked and got up.

I watched the bucket of cold water from the corner of my eye.

Now it's my turn to get revenge...

"Ariana," I paused. "Why did you pour freezing cold water on my head?" I asked.

"Uhh.. hey babe, have I ever told you how much I love youu?" She avoided my question.

"You do?"

"Yeah.." She walked closer, staring up at my eyes and then my lips.

I placed my hands on her waist while she placed hers around my shoulders.

We slowly started leaning in and I held the bucket behind her back.

Just when we our faces were inches apart.


I poured the water on her head.

"Y/N!" Ariana yelled.

I quickly ran away, laughing hysterically. 

"I'm going to kill you!" I heard Ariana yell while chasing after me.

Well damn.

- -

Later that day..

Ariana had a photoshoot and rehearsal to do.

And of course, I joined her.

Thankfully she didn't kill me before we got there, though she was still furious with me.

"Babe?" I said poking her cheek as we got inside the car.

She turned away from me and ignored me.

Okay then..

- -

At the rehearsal

I watched Ariana as she moved her body swiftly, matching the beat of the song perfectly.

I felt jealousy build up inside me once I saw this guy known as "Rick?" "Ricky"? Who knows.

He started putting his hands on Ariana. She wasn't even fazed by his touch. She just went with it.

But what really sent me over the edge was when he started grinding against Ariana.

Ariana started doing the same. Eventually once the song ended I noticed that they were both panting.

They gazed at each other's eyes and I wanted to stab a bitch.

Their faces were inches apart. I couldn't bear to watch so I ran outside as quick as I could.

I slammed the door which got their attention.

But I didn't care.

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