Trouble- Part 4

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Day 1

Today is Day 1 out of.. many.

Today will be the first day that my crew and I will start our extreme pranking.

Lauren already agreed on helping me with the first one. So it's all settled.

Here's the thing though..

Ariana doesn't know half my friends.

She only knows Zendaya, Jacob, Bea, and one of my old old friends, Demi.


Our first mission is to make Ariana jealous.

Basically, Lauren's supposed to flirt with me, and I go along with it.

Lets hope this works..

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"Yo, what will our crew name be?" Zendaya asked.

"How about.. 9/11 revived?" Dinah suggested.

"How about "the pranksters" ?" Bea chimed in.

"Y'all are bad at coming up with names." Zendaya and I said in unison.

"Well.. let's hear your genius ideas, Y/n." Everyone looked at me expectantly.

"What about... "The Marauders?" I suggested.

"Well it's better than theirs so let's go with that." Zendaya sighed.

Everyone nodded.

"Harry Potter af." Dinah said.

"You know it." I replied.


Later that day..

Ariana and I were going out to a restaurant.

This was her way of saying, " I'm sorry for pranking you," but I overheard earlier that this was part of her new prank.

Little did she know, I have a few tricks up my sleeve, myself.

Right now, Lauren was going to be pretending to be a waitress.

One of her friends happened to work in the exact place Ariana and I were going, so Lauren just asked her to help out.

And of course she agreed.

"Babe?" Ariana turned to face me.


"Are you still mad at me?" She pouted.

"No, of course not. Why would I still be mad?" I said sarcastically.

"Okay.." She said slowly.

"What are you going to order?" I changed the subject.

"Maybe I'll  just have a vegan garlic pasta."

"Alright, cool." I replied.

I saw Lauren coming our way, and I'd be lying if I said she didn't look attractive in the waitress clothing.

"Hello, I'm Lauren and I will be your waitress today, what would you like to order?" She smiled.

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