13 - Events of Randomness

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* ring! ring! * My phone loudly rang while I was getting my beauty sleep.

"What?..." I groggily asked annoyed at whoever called at 2 AM.

"Hey Y/n.. Sorry if I woke you up, I really didn't mean to I just-"

"Nah, don't worry about it. What's up?" I cut off Ariana's worried voice.

A sigh was heard on the other line as she spoke,

"I-can you come over? I have something important to tell you."

"Is it necessary..?" I asked.


"I'll be there in a few."


*15 Minutes later*


"Ari, I'm here!" I announced as I knocked on the door.

Just as I was about to knock one more time, the door was opened by a distressed looking Ariana with her back towards me.

"Can you maybe turn around and face me?" I asked.


"Why not?"


"Let me se-"

"Oh my gosh Ari.. Why are you crying?" I faced her, seeing her eyes red and puffy. And she had this weird thing on her forehead.

What even is that?...

"Just come in & I'll tell you."

Once I was in. Ariana explained what was going on.

"And.. H-he ju-just did that..." She finished wiping a tear that fell from her eye.

"That jerk! I swear I will break hi-"

"No no, it's fine.." She cut me off.

"Why would he do that though?"

"I don't know. He just thought that it was a funny idea to draw a dick onto my forehead & steal my food afterwards.." She said looking down.

"Well he will pay for that- After I get some food from the fridge." I stated.

"Y/n/n wait, be carefu-"

"RAWWWR!" A loud voice screamed as a guy with an alien mask screamed startling me.

Before I could do anything else I slipped on a cold hard cube-like object.

An ice cube..

And that was how Y/n died..



A/N : Hey guys! It's been a while. I just want to thank y'all for supporting me & for getting my book up to 1k votes! You guys are awesome! Thank you for reading & I hope you enjoyed this weird random imagine (:

Have a great day & be nice to your beautiful selves! 💗

Ariana Grande ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now