Trouble- Part 3

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Previously on "Trouble"....

"Watch your back Grande, I'm onto you." I smirked at her.

She rolled her eyes at me and walked away.

Later on that day.. I continued planning a master plan to get her back.

And I knew just the person to call.

- -

I came up with master plan.

Ariana can play the role of a genius all she wants, but in the end.. I'm always the master.

Calling "Zen"

"Yo, Y/N how's it going?"

"Going great, Zen. But I need your help on something." I said.

"Yeah sure. What is it??"

"Can you help me prank Ariana?" I asked.

"Wo-wo-woah you want to prank Ariana?" She asked questionably.

"Yeah? Is there a problem?"

"Ahem. Yes. There is a problem!" She exclaimed dramatically.

"Remember that time she pranked me back for "letting Toulouse out of the house?" She said.

"Ha! Yeah, she almost killed you." I laughed at the memory.

"That's my point! She'd prank you back ten times worse." Zendaya replied.

"I ain't scared." I sneered just like Ariana had last time.

"Well.. Good luck to you." She sighed.

"Pfft I don't need any. Now, are you helping me or not?" I asked.

"Yeah, fine.. I'll help you. But if she kills one of us. It sure as hell isn't gonna be me."

"Whatever, Zen, I'll see you at 6:30 okay?"

"Okay, see you later, Y/N."

*Call Ended*

- -

Okay.. So I got one prankster. I need a few more.

I quickly remembered the green-eyed goddess I met a while ago. She told me about how one of her friends is the most epic prankster.

I dialed her number and waited patiently..

Calling "Green-Eyed Beauty"...

After 2 rings she picked up.

"Hello?" I heard her husky voice say.

"Hey Lauren."

"Oh Hey Y/n, How are you??"

"Pretty good, but I need you to do a favor for me.. That is if you agree." I said.

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