23 - The Woods

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I hear a slight tap on the window.

I freeze. All the blood in my body runs cold and I hold tightly onto my covers, wishing that they would engulf me into their safety.

The tapping continues, only now harder.

I reach for my phone, so desperately wanting to dial the familiar three digit number.

But then I hear it..

"Y/n.." A soft voice calls out.

My heart races.

I slide the curtain over to the side and carefully look outside.

It's dark.

Around midnight.

A hand presses against the glass and I flinch, hard, letting out a slight gasp.

My grip loosens on my phone, and it drops to the floor, the flashlight now pointing up at the ceiling.

My dart to the shadow in front of me, and I rush to open the window.

She climbs in without any trouble, and stumbles into my arms.

I embrace her gently, and move the hair out of her face, "Ari.." I whisper.

She holds me tighter.

I run a gentle hand through her hair, massaging her scalp, hoping to calm her down.

She slumps slightly into me, and I hold her up.

"Hey.." I whisper, caressing her jaw with my thumb, "Is it okay if I turn on the light? I need to put the screen back on the window."

She freezes.

"It'll be quick. I promise." I reassure her.

She nods against my chest slowly.

I slowly break apart, and she quickly takes hold of my hand, as if for dear life.

I give her hand a small squeeze, "It's okay, Ari.."

Her panicked breaths start to minimize and calm.

I reach around for the lamp, and find the switch.

"Hey.. I'm gonna need you to cover you eyes. The light can be very blinding." I say to the girl next to me.

She covers her eyes with her left hand.

The room fills with the bright light, and the sight of a messy, shaky girl.

I quickly sit her down on the edge of the bed, and instruct her.

"You can open them now.. I'm right here next to you." I intertwine our fingers.

She slowly removes her hand from her eyes and opens them.

Her dark eyes widen at the sudden change and she gasps.

I open my mouth to speak but then, she turns to me.

I notice the marks, and dirt on her face.

I reach out to her and she flinches a bit.

"Sorry.." I whisper, "Can I see?" I ask her.

She nods.

I place a careful hand on her cheek and examine the different scars and wounds on her face.

Her brown eyes look around the room as I do so, as if searching for any signs of danger.

I notice this and attempt to shift her attention away from her fear.

"Babe.." I whisper.

Her eyes flicker back to me.

"We need to clean these cuts." I continue.

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