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A/n: Sorry for the wait!

Also, I don't know if this is her dog.

I think it is.

Not sure.

Let me know in the comments!


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Your POV

Sooo... today is June 26. You know what that means!

Today is your girlfriend's birthday.

Yes, girlfriend.

It felt amazing to call her yours.

You guys just got together on March, and ever since, you've have been inseparable.

Who knew so much could happen in three months.

Ariana was recently changing into some comfortable clothes.

She thinks that you're only taking her out to the forrest in the spot you guys met.

Little does she know, you've got some tricks up your sleeve..

You both immediately connected when her family went camping there.

And it's weird how you can find love in the places you'd never expect.

But it's not like you're complaining.

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Five minutes later in the car

Announcer: And now have Rihanna's new single. Ladies & Gentlemen, this is "Work."

"Ooh put it up this is my song!" Ariana yelled, making me laugh at her cuteness.

I put the music on and as expected Ariana started goofing off and dancing.

This is why I love her.

She's such a dork.

"Y/n/n. Why are you staring at me?" Ariana looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

I didn't even realize I was staring at her until she pointed it out.

"Just admiring the view.." I said, coolly.

"Smooth.." She snickered as a small blush appeared on her cheek.

Announcer: Now here's a song for all you directioners out there! This is "What makes you beautiful" by One Direction!

"Hey Y/n?" She said looking at you intently.

"Hm?" I hummed.

"You don't know you're beautiful.." She sang cutely, then laughed.

"Nice one." I said laughing at her joke.

"You know I'm not joking though, right? You really are beautiful." She replied.

I felt her eyes burn into me.

Ariana Grande ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now