21 - Cafe

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Your POV
"Ma'am?" the waitress repeats. "Would you like to order anything?"

I look up from my phone with a sigh, "Maybe later."

The woman nods her head in disagreement. "You've been waiting here for over an hour." Her eyes look at me with concern.

"So what?" I knit my eyebrows together in question.

"She's worried about you." She swiftly looks over at the brunette sitting a few tables behind mine.

I follow her glance and meet the brunette's brown ones. As she realizes what's happening, she averts her eyes in panic.

"I don't know her." I look back at the woman in front of me.

"Well, get to know her." She suggests.

"Look, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude, but I'm waiting for someone. And-"

"Alright, alright. I know, I'll get going and let you wait on forever." The waitress cut me off.

"God. Don't be like that, Janice." I mumble.

"Like what?" She raises her eyebrow.

"Making everything you say sound like it's true. Im just so stubborn to the point where I blind myself. It just all seems like a lie, and I know you're right, but I refuse to accept it." I sigh.

"Look, I'm just being logical. We both know that Lauren isn't showing up anytime soon. She's changed,  Y/n. It's not the same anymore." Janice spoke.

"You don't know her." I snap in defense.

"Neither of us do. You're not the first one she's dumped out like that and you're certainly not the last. Now, go on and move on. I can't just watch you hopelessly sit here wasting time on someone who doesn't deserve it." She continues.

"How would you know?" I clench my jaw.

"There's a difference in the way she acts. You don't see her focused on her art anymore. She doesn't take time even for herself. She's all over the place. Why can't you just see that?" Janice asks.

"Love blinds you." I reply bluntly.

"Only if you let it." She sighs.

"Whatever." I cross my arms as I roll my eyes.

"Y/n.." Janice presses her finger to her temple in frustration.

"What?" I look at her blankly.

"Lauren has toyed with you enough. And that girl sitting there behind us knows that too. She's seen the way she's hurt you." Janice explains.

"Oh, so she's a stalker? Great!" I say sarcastically.

"That's not what I meant." she groans. "She cares about you. She used to be friends with Lauren but-"

"What?" I cut her off, dumbfounded.

"She's not friends with her anymore. She's seen how she treats you and she's wanted to do something about it but she's too hesitant." Janice continues.

"This is your chance. Talk to her. Get to know someone who cares for who you are." She encourages.

"She doesn't even know me. How can she-"

"You don't need to know someone to care about them. Now go." She cuts me off.

"Fine." I give in. "But I swear if she's some crazy stalker-"

"She's not, okay?" Janice huffs.

"I'm going to embarrass myself." I put my face in my hands.

"You really think that?" Janice questions.

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