Chapter 5

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It has been about 11 months since I met harry and we have been dating for 3 months. He has taken on the role as their other father and that scares me especially with Courtney since she seems to be really attached to him. They are not even his biological kids and yet he acts like they are. I have quit my job as a stripper and had gotten a job at a cafe. Harry works as a photographer. My dad kicked me out because he said I was a disgrace so Harry offered to have me live with him. I know its too soon but Harry has been nothing but helpful. Speaking of Harry he was playing with the twins while I was making dinner. The twins birthday is soon and I have no idea what I am going to do.

I could hear harry playing with Courtney and Autumn.

"The tickle monster's gonna get you two." Harry said and I'm guessing started to tickle the girls causing them to laugh.

"No pa!" Courtney said

"No pa!"Autumn said as well

"You can't stop me." Harry said and continue to tickle them. I could then hear him blow raspberries into their stomach causing them to giggle.

"Dinner!" I yell hating to break up their fun but my babies got to eat.

Harry then comes into the kitchen holding both the girls hand.

I then take Autumn and put her in her booster seat and Harry does the same with Courtney. We then dig in. I can't believe my babies will be one next week. Seems like only yesterday they were new borns.

FF next week

Happy birthday! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday Autumn and Courtney! Happy birthday to you!" Harry, I, and the rest of our guest sang. The twins then blew out their blues clues cake with my help and Harry took pictures. After cake I turned on some kiddie songs and wiped the girls faces and then put them down and they started dancing it was just so cute that I made a video on my phone. After some games and then presents we thanked everybody and left.

"Happy birthday princesses." I said and then hugged my girls and heard a snap I knew harry took a picture. He then set up his camera and he picked up Courtney and I Autumn. We then took a family photo and spent the night watching the little mermaid with the twins holding their ariel dolls they got for their birthday.

I have the most perfect little girls and I don't know what I would do without them. I love my girls. I can't believe Harry has been a great boyfriend. I'm just so scared that the girls will get too attached and he'll leave us. If only I knew what to do?

Sorry this is just a filler. Leave ideas on what you want to see happen.

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