Chapter 12

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Harry's POV
Today was going to be a good day at work. I could feel it. Something good is going to happen. I think as I walk into work with my camera bag.
"Hello Harry!" My boss Lila says
"Hello Lila. I'm great!" I say excitedly. I love my job. I love taking pictures.
"That's good. Harry after you clock in please come see me in my office" Lila says and walks away. I clocked in and then headed towards Lila's office nervously. What is going on? Did I do something wrong? I couldn't have I'm her best worker! What is she going to talk to me about! I was so caught up in my thoughts that I did not notice I was standing outside Lila's office. I take a deep breath and go inside.
"Nice to see you Harry please take a seat!" Lila says
I sit down nervously
"Now Harry I wanted to talk to you about something" Lila says
"Please tell me you're not firing me! I need this job!" I said in a worry.
"Calm down Harry! I'm not firing you!" Lila says with a laugh
"You're not?" I say confused
"Why would I fire one of my best photographers?" Lila says with a smile

"If you're not firing me then why did you need to talk to me?" Harry asks confused

"I wanted to talk to you about giving you a promotion Harry!" Lila says

"really?!" I say excitedly

"I know before you were just one of our event/scenery photographers but I am promoting you to my head photographer. This means not only will you be getting better pay but you will be doing a lot more assignments. That is if you are up to it?" Lila asks

"of course I am!" I say excitedly.

"Well good. Now that you are head photographer you are getting your own office. It will have the necessary equipment for you to edit your photos. This job will require you to travel though. Is that alright?" Lila asks.

Travel? I can't be away from Niall for too long as of right now. He is pregnant and I don't want to leave him alone.

"Can the travelling begin after my husband has our sons?"

"Of course" Lila says.

"Also instead of 13 dollars per hour you will be getting 20 dollars per hour" Lila says.

"Thank you so much!" I say happily

"That is all Harry. Your new office is down the hall third door on the right" Lila says.

I go to check out my new offices and I like what I see. It is amazing. I had a nice work space to edit photos. I then left and went to do some shots. After a few photography shots I headed home to my husband and daughters with a smile on my face.

(Harry's new office at the top) 

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