Chapter 4

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I have been a father for four months and it's the best thing in the world. I love my daughters so much. My father is not happy that I have become a father at the age of 16 and does not help me as much as my mom. I have recently got a job at a strip club/bar. I know it's not the best job in the world but it's just until I can get on my feet. Autumn and Courtney mean the world to me and I would do anything to make sure they have a good life. Luckily I did not have to work. I needed to think so I was taking the girls to the park with me. Once we got to the park I took the girls out of their baby seats carriers and put them on a blanket I had put out and started playing with them.

"They're cute" I heard someone say.

I looked up to see a boy with beautiful green eyes and curly brown hair.

"Yes they are. They're my life." I said as I saw Courtney try to kick her legs.

"May I join you?" The guy said

"Sure um?" I said unsure of the mysterious strangers name

"Harry Styles." he said with a cheeky smile that made me blush

"Niall Horan." I said and Harry sat down on the blanket.

"Who are these little beauties?" Harry said and smiled at my girls.

"This is Autumn and this is Courtney" I said pointing to each one.

"They're adorable. Sisters?" Harry asked and I instantly tensed

"No, my daughters actually" I said nervously.

"Oh you look really young to be a father." Harry said

"I know but I wouldn't trade them for anything." I said and picked Courtney up and blew raspberries on her tummy causing her to giggle. What really surprised me was when she started making grabby hands at Harry. I could tell it shocked him to. I put Courtney in Harry's hands and she clung onto him for dear life. I then picked up autumn and held her close to me as she yawned.

"She must really like you." I said with a smile as I saw Harry hold Courtney.

"Yeah maybe. Listen Niall I know we just met but could I have your number so we could maybe I don't know go out sometime." Harry said which shocked me.

"S-sure" I said and gave him my phone and he punched his number into my phone with one hand and then I got a text from him with his number.

"Well we should get going. I need to put these two down for a nap." I said

I went to grab Courtney but he clung tighter to Harry.

"Maybe I could come to put her down seeing as she won't let go." Harry chuckled

"Okay."I said nervously and put Autumn down in her seat. I then saved Harry's number and then picked up both seats and started to walk home with Harry following. We then got to know each other a bit and he was really sweet. Once home I noticed nobody was home and lead Harry upstairs. I then put Autumn in her crib and she instantly fell asleep. I went to grab Courtney but she clung to Harry. This might be a problem.

"I've got it. Isn't she lovely

Isn't she wonderful

Isn't she precious

Less than one minute old

I never thought through love we'd be

Making one as lovely as she

But isn't she lovely made from love" Harry sang and she relaxed her grip and instantly fell asleep. He then put Courtney down in her crib and did something I didn't expect. He kissed her forehead.

"So beautiful." Harry said and turned to me.

"Well I better go." Harry said

"Wait." I said before I could stop myself.

"What is it?" Harry asked

"It's late why don't you stay the night. I um mean if you want to." I stuttered.

"I will." Harry said with a smile. I then headed to my room and gave him some sweat pants and a shirt but he just put the pants on.

"I normally sleep in just boxers but I don't want you to be uncomfortable." Harry said.

"Oh o-okay." I stuttered and changed into some sweats and a shirt and got in bed. When I felt Harry's arms around my waist I blushed

"Is this alright?" Harry asked

"It's fine." I said.

"Night love." Harry said and then I heard his slow breathing meaning he was asleep. I just met Harry and I feel like I've known him forever. Courtney is already attached to him and she's only four months old and that scares me. What does this mean? Am I already getting over Kyle? What am I going to do? Can I even trust him? Only time will tell and with that last thought I closed my eyes while wrapped in Harry's arms

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