Trying to remember

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Papa Niall has been showing me pictures, videos and even telling me about things I did when I was little. I know he was trying to get me to remember but I just can't. At least not yet. I just need time.
I was in my room laying down when I felt the bed shift. I looked over to see my other dad...Harry I think.
"How you doing princess?" He said with a smile.
"Okay. I'm just trying so hard to remember. I don't remember anything real well. I mean dad tried showing me some videos and stuff but nothing is clicking yet. I'm sorry." I say and start to cry.
"Shh love it's okay. Your father and I understand. We just hate seeing our little girl upset. I just wish you weren't pregnant so young." My dad said
"I'm sorry dad." I said sadly
"It's okay love just remember your dad, siblings and I will be here to help. Hey even your girlfriend will help." Dad said and kissed my forehead.
"Here's a photo album from when you were little up to about now or so. Why don't you have a look. We love you." My dad Harry said and left my room. As soon as he left the room I started looking through the photo album hoping to remember something. Anything. Please just let me remember something about my family.

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